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托德斯奈德它是2008年的感恩节。在他的莱姆,康涅狄格州,家庭,退伍军人投资银行家托德斯奈德和他的妻子,菲比,正准备在电话响起时为他们的近距编织大家庭主持晚宴。Carlos Gutierrez秘书Carlos Gutierrez在额外的斯奈德的原因上,让那天感谢。



Snyder早早看到该转基因必须宣布破产 - 尽管从卡制造商的管理层初步反对 - 迫使公司,其联盟及其债权人接受新现实。“我们正试图弄清楚政府当局如何稳定行业并尽可能多地保留工作,但同时做出谨慎和可收回的纳税人资金投资,”斯奈德解释道。

在他在通用汽车救援的所有艰苦的说服中,斯奈德表示,欧洲欧洲欧宝/沃克斯霍尔运营围绕着最艰难的谈判。He recalls a meeting one night in May on the top floor of Germany’s Chancellery building along with Jens Weidmann, economic adviser to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and GM representative John Smith, with then–GM CEO Fritz Henderson, the U.S. Auto Task Force’s Ronald Bloom and Magna International CEO Frank Stronach participating via conference call. Magna, a Canadian auto parts supplier, was prepared to purchase a major share of Opel/Vauxhall along with Russia’s Sberbank, provided Berlin would help.

After much animated haggling, at 3:00 a.m. the group agreed on a one-page memorandum of understanding: The Magna-Sberbank consortium would acquire 55 percent of the automaker, GM would retain 35 percent, and Opel/Vauxhall employees would own the remaining 10 percent. Critically, the German government agreed to provide €1.5 billion in bridge financing. Ironically, after all this trouble, GM’s board decided in November to hold on to Opel/Vauxhall because of the automaker’s own improved prospects.




2Alex Wilmot -Intwell瑞银

3.ThierryVarène.BNP Paribas.

4.Michael Klein花旗

5.Arthur Korpach.加拿大帝国商务银行

6. 托德斯奈德 罗斯柴尔德
