
名人堂1 - Edward Hyman Jr.

当Edward Hyman Jr.在60年代后期在Massachusetts理工学院学习MBA时,他做了一项研究奖学金,这些研究合作涉及使用世界上第一个份额的计算机之一的经济型造型。他的教授将他推荐给哈佛大学经济学家奥托埃克斯坦,最近开始了一家名为数据资源的公司,这也使用时间份额计算机来产生经济预测 - 但是用于商业目的。毕业后,Hyman加入了公司;两年后,他留给其中一个客户,华尔街经纪公司C.J.劳伦斯。“我去那里工作了经济预测,这就是我从那以后一直在做的事情,”Hyman,66人表示,德克萨斯大学的工程学士学位。“基本上,我一直在做同样的事情,或多或少,因为我在研究生院。”如今,Hyman是纽约ISI集团的主席,该公司是一家全服务研究公司,他于1991年成立于1991年,经过20年的C.J. Lawrence。他也是全美研究团队的经济学排名的分析师,他连续32年举行令人难以置信的冠军。虽然寒鸦在沃尔街的曲线上迈出了很好的时候,但在使用计算机时,他长期以来,他在投资者中最着名,以便他的沟通方式越来越多的传播他的分析。自从“70年代”以来,他一直在每周(现在的日常)的经济报告,包括新闻标题,故事和图表的副本,盘旋关键信息和数据并在边缘中添加评论。 “It gets to you quickly and is easy to follow,” commented one happy fan in 1980, the year that Hyman began his record streak. Communications is critical, says Hyman. “You can be right all the time, but if no one understands what your viewpoint is, it doesn’t do any good,” he explains. “A great analyst has to be a great storyteller.” Hyman attributes much of his own success to the salespeople who have delivered his message, first at C.J. Lawrence and more recently at ISI. “Your most important clients are your salespeople,” he says. “You have to have an ability to inspire salespeople into believing in you and trusting you, and understanding what you’re trying to communicate to investors.” At ISI, Hyman has assembled a team of some 40 salespeople, more than double the number of macro and fundamental research products it offers. In total, the firm employs nearly 200 people, split among research, sales and trading, and has offices in Boston; Fairhope, Alabama; London; Los Angeles; New York; San Francisco; Shanghai; and Washington, giving it sufficient heft to compete with the big banks and brokerages. Doing well in the All-America Research Team is important. “We want to have the best analysts,” Hyman says. “Those are the people who we think can help our clients the most. If you have those analysts, they want to be No. 1.”
