
名人堂7 - Steven Milunovitch

1982年,参加西北大学的Kellogg学院,史蒂文Milunovich第一次偶然发现了一份机构投资者杂志的副本。亚博赞助欧冠刚刚遇到这个年度的全美研究团队,它有助于将密尔沃基本地人的野心结晶。美国股市已经开始的事实是,八月没有伤害25年的推动。“职业生涯取得了很大的运气和时间,”Milunovich承认。“我很感谢我在牛市开始时开始在行业中。”武装他的Kellogg学位(ValeDictorian,不少班),Milunovich派出全部围绕华尔街的信件,并由第一家Boston Corp.的两家公司之一被聘用,然后雇用新鲜铸造的MBA。该公司的研究总监詹姆斯弗里曼提供了他选择覆盖煤炭或电脑硬件。Milunovich毫不犹豫。“我是23岁,覆盖了IBM,”他说。回顾令人惊讶的是原始华尔街当时是多么令人惊讶的。 During the crash of October 1987, he recalls, “there were a couple of Quotrons, everyone was milling around, we had Reuters paper feeds of news stories coming out. We’d cut out the story, paste the two parts together, and that was our information flow.” After a brief stint at Salomon Brothers, Milunovich jumped to Morgan Stanley in 1991, just as the firm was becoming a technology powerhouse. “It was a crazy time, with Chuck Phillips (later president of Oracle Corp.), Mary Meeker (now at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers), George Kelly, Frank Quattrone,” he says. In 1997 he moved to Merrill Lynch to help the firm build its technology platform. Despite a few interruptions, including spells to flirt with starting a hedge fund and to work at Brunswick Group, he has returned to mother Merrill each time, most recently in September 2008, just before it was acquired by Bank of America Corp. Now he’s covering clean technology and looking very much to the future.

