
名人堂10 - 托马斯·汉利

托马斯·汉利在华尔街上崛起,表明它有助于幸运和聪明。1967年,在纽约福特·汉德汉大学的金融学士学位毕业后毕业后,Hanley去了化学银行作为初级航空航天分析师工作。他对工作的第二天,化学的高级银行分析师辞职,汉利接管了主要银行,保险公司和金融服务公司的覆盖范围。1969年,Hanley左化学加入投资银行萨洛蒙兄弟,在此留下了未来23年。他在1977年在全美研究团队中首次出现,是银行的亚军;五年后,他第1号,他将负责人14次。客户有价值的Hanley的世俗观点;他早期开始全球覆盖银行业。他也很快设想了20世纪90年代州际银行障碍的细目。很少有分析师对他所涵盖的公司和跑为汉利的人来说,这是一个深刻的理解。 “One of the things I did that was a little bit different, I got to know the management of banks very well,” says Hanley, 67. “I grew up with them. When you are doing this for 40 years or something, you are going to meet a lot of people, and I stay in touch with them.” Hanley left Salomon in 1992 for CS First Boston, taking his four-member team with him. In March 1996 they decamped for UBS Securities, the U.S. investment banking subsidiary of the big Swiss bank. Hanley retired in 2001, at the age of 57, after undergoing quadruple heart bypass surgery. With respect to the current state of the financial services industry, the 2008 crisis was one of the largest he has ever known, but “three years later, U.S. banks appear to be very viable,” Hanley says. “The new element in the equation is what happens in Europe.” He expects there will be a complete restructuring, with consequences for banking in Europe and the U.S.

