
名人堂28厅 - 杰弗里克莱林

销售方股权分析师很少有机会在他们的研究报告中引用诗歌,但杰弗里克莱因的歌手,皮博迪&Co.在1986年发现有机会,当污染控制中的长期获奖者引用古代水手的霜提醒客户对地下水去污固有的挑战:“水,每一个在哪里,也没有任何饮料。”在加入本公司之前曾在总统环境质量委员会曾曾担任过的克莱因,吹嘘令人印象深刻的华盛顿联系网络,并理解,在没有适当的后续的情况下,对环境问题的政治承诺是毫无意义的。“It’s important not only to know how the laws are interpreted in the courts, but also to keep track of how much money of appropriations is actually being spent,” he told Institutional Investor in 1977. Klein debuted in first place in 1976 and held the top spot through 1988, slipping to tie for third the following year, his last in the rankings.
