

1968年从纽约佩斯大学(Pace University)毕业时,杰克•萨尔茨曼(Jack Salzman)想成为一名投资组合经理,但当时买方的工作很难找到。相反,他成了标准普尔(Standard & Poor 's)的分析师。“我显然坚持了下来,”他说。“我喜欢做一名分析师。对我来说,这是我一生中最非凡的经历。”1975年,萨尔茨曼加入了希尔兹罗兰模特公司,给投资者留下了深刻印象。这位66岁的老人承认:“我当时太固执己见了。”“绝大多数客户和公司管理层都知道我的立场。如果我想表现得含蓄一点,我自己可能也会被绊倒。没人教过我要巧妙。” Bluntness didn’t harm his career. Salzman debuted on the All-America Research Team that year as a runner-up in Household Products — the first of his 34 appearances in the rankings, including 20 visits to the top spot in Cosmetics, Household Products or, from 1985 through 1989, both. (In 2000 we merged the sectors to create today’s Cosmetics, Household & Personal Care Products.) Salzman moved to Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co. in 1977 and then to Goldman, Sachs & Co. in 1985. He has a special fondness for his stint with the latter. “It was a truly wonderful period,” he says of his Goldman days.

1998年,在做了30年的卖方之后,他终于实现了成为一名资金经理的梦想,成立了自己的公司Salzman Capital Management。如今,萨尔茨曼同样直言不讳地哀叹,分析师们被禁止持有他们让客户购买的股票。他表示:“分析师的建议应该由法律来决定。”
