
名人堂35 - 上午Sacconaghi.

上午说,研究必须先来。(TONI)SACCONAGHI,46。“如果你真正的研究,良好甚至伟大的股票电话都会成为自然结果,”他解释道。“作为分析师,目标应该是提供优秀的研究,您的客户可以依赖和用来制作自己的决定 - 无论他们的最终结论是否同意你的决定。”SACCONAGHI具有卓越的研究,他与他的雇主桑福德C.BERNSTEIN&Co.“与他的雇主一起成功分享了学分。”我们没有银行或其他分心,从研究中转移我们的关注,“他说。他认为坚定是一个完美的合适,因为他更喜欢工作。他于1998年加入伯尔尼斯坦在麦肯锡公司的技术顾问之后,并在1999年秋季推出了IT硬件领域的覆盖范围。第二年,6月,他在职业生涯中的第一次逆时针之一他降级了惠普·帕德拉德公司,从业到市场,在与加利福尼亚州的计算机和外围设备的高管会面后,将其盈利预测减少。他认为他们的成长预测太乐观,相信股票,然后在分裂调整的55.13美元,完全有价值。股票价格在Sacconaghi的降级当天持近7%;那就是“对我来说,投资者正在听取的时候,”倾听的时候,“他说。 “At ensuing company meetings more and more investors wanted to speak with me.” That came as a bit of a surprise. “As an analyst you learn pretty quickly if you are right or wrong,” he says. “I thought things were going well at the beginning of my career, but I didn’t know that until the market is listening to you in real time, stock prices don’t begin moving the way you thought they would and the things you believe begin to materialize.” In November, HP stunned the Street when it reported that results for that year’s fiscal fourth quarter, which ended in October, fell 10 cents per share short of consensus expectations. By then the stock had plummeted 45.7 percent, to $29.96; during the same period the sector declined by 20.6 percent. Investors showed their appreciation by voting Sacconaghi straight in to second place in the Enterprise Hardware sector of the 2001 All-America Research Team. He has ranked every year since — twice in 2004, when he was No. 1 in IT Hardware and a runner-up in Imaging Technology — for a total of 12 appearances to date. This year marks his tenth consecutive first-place finish in IT Hardware. Sacconaghi made another great contrarian call in 2005. At that time IBM Corp. had a reputation for “being opaque, slow growing and a company that did a lot of financial engineering,” he says. Even so, he believed that the Armonk, New York–based technology and computer consulting outfit was “compellingly valued, would show improvement in its services business and had several positive forces that should help results.” He upgraded the stock from market perform to outperform in July of that year, at $72.36, and again the market responded immediately. By the time he moved it back to market perform, in March 2011, the shares had rocketed 117.8 percent, to $157.63, trumping even the sector’s impressive 102.5 percent gain over that period.

