
名人堂39 - 迈克尔·亚马雷诺

交通分析师迈克尔·阿勒雷诺不必远远旅行,以便在卖方研究中找到一个家;哈德森河上的短跳就是它所做的一切。Armellino正在担任一家总部位于新泽西州泽西市的金钱管理公司,当时卖方招手。他在1969年12月接受了高盛。“在那些日子里,我真的感受到了,有一种信念,如果我们为客户做好,成功就会来,”armellino,71。Goldman’s research department said as much in the business principles it developed — a copy of which Armellino still has above his desk in his home office. With transformative technology and the coming of age of aviation, airlines were to the late 1960s and early ‘70s what technology companies would be to the 1990s: the hot stocks. But Armellino was skeptical. In one of his first reports as a Goldman analyst, he was negative on the sector. His analysis caused quite a stir, but his assessment turned out to be correct, which helped build his reputation. “A lot of research reports focused so much on the company and the business,” he recalls. “I tried to focus on the market characteristics of the companies, what drives airline stocks.” Armellino, who earned an MBA at New York University, debuted on the All-America Research Team in 1972, as a runner-up in Airlines. He fell out of the ranking the following year but returned in 1975, again as a runner-up. He claimed his first No. 1 in 1976, the same year in which he expanded his coverage and appeared as a runner-up in Railroads. “He’s everything an analyst should be,” one backer told Institutional Investor that year, while another declared that “Armellino is the best stock picker of them all.” From that point on he was voted onto the team in both sectors every year through 1990, when he retired. By then he had amassed a total of 32 appearances and 21 first-place positions, more than any other Goldman analyst to date (although fellow Hall of Famer Joseph Ellis comes close, with 19 No. 1s for the firm). That success was all the sweeter because he really loved the job. “It was enormously satisfying to be competing with people, to be talking to senior executives at major corporations,” he recalls. “You are what the record says you are; you couldn’t hide. My name was on those reports. If I said something stupid or wrong, people didn’t blame Goldman Sachs — they blamed me. If I said something right, that was personalized too.”

armellino的退休证明是短暂的。1991年,该公司诱惑他替换莱昂Cooperman,他离开了他自己的对冲基金公司,担任高盛资产管理负责人。他待了1994年,然后同意将投资管理委员会的投资管理委员会捐赠了3亿美元的Hightstown,新泽西州的Peddie School,他的母校。在armellino的任期期间,捐赠在armellino的任期期间取得了顶级的成分性能,持续到2006年,当时他退休。在认识到这一成就,他被授予第一个Thomas B. Peddie奖,校友最高的荣誉。
