
交易技术30:Nigel Faulkner

Nigel Faulkner.
Nigel Faulkner.随着信贷瑞士斯在过去十年中,信贷瑞士斯在华尔街在高级执行服务领导人的领导者方面投入了苏美兰的速度,速度始终是本质。今天的决定更加详细,因为银行更加重视它如何在股票衍生品,主要服务和专有交易中分配有限资源。“对我们的问题是认识到丢失微秒计数的领域,与您可以丢失五毫秒的区域,没有人会注意到,并相应地投资,”全球股票公司奈杰尔·福克纳说。在2010年6月在纽约加入纽约州纽约州的Faulkner在九年九年,萨赫斯&Co.的九年九年的首席技术官九年后,由于22条成本管理或TCO(总拥有成本), initiatives, he is ahead of his two-year plan to reduce the equity business’s technology bill. A graduate of the U.K.’s Sheffield Hallam University with a master’s degree in management and information technology, Faulkner, 46, has overseen the development of the third generation of Agora, Credit Suisse’s 12-year-old order management system, and the adoption of high-performance processors such as field-programmable gate arrays, which have also powered aerospace and telecommunications industry innovations.
