


人工智能技术是否有助于JPMORGAN首席执行官Jamie Dimon及其中尉抓住并掌握了公司背后的全部故事大约60亿美元的交易损失 - 埋藏在交易数据中 - 更快?




“有人会来到,首先认为我们所做的一切都是文本聚合,然后它会击中它们:我们采取现有数据,原始财务数据 - 它可以是关于他们需要分析或数据所需的投资或数据与客户沟通 - 并迅速将其转化为故事,叙述或执行摘要,“叙述科学首席技术官Kris Hammond解释了Kris Hammond。

在会议的问答期间,Hammond断言,他的AI平台可以进行SWIFT分析,也可以用于检测数据异常,突出金融欺诈并迅速发出关于调查的口头沟通 - 有点现场调查记者或数据调查员。

但他也很快才能有资格获得公司的能力:“我们使用结构化数据 - 数字和符号 - 数字和符号是明确的。我们不与自由文本合作,“他说。“We can’t take a news article and generate a report, but if there’s data where we have unique symbols for a company and a link to its current earnings, sales or market cap info, we can take all that data, do an analysis and generate a story.”

这与现在的其他公司的同一情况相反,这是采取非结构化数据,例如来自互联网,社交媒体,博客和推文的信息,并尝试聚合并弄清楚数据。叙事科学翻阅该模型,专门使用结构化数据,基于符号和符号的数据金融公司的种类在很大程度上陶醉,并使用算法,机器学习和自然语言发生器将该数据转换为流体内容读起来它已经由人类产生。Rob Passarella是一个财务数据专家,将技术描述为“需要大量结构化数据的平台并将其转变为叙述”,以便人类可以理解内部的复杂性。“

叙事科学’s unique approach to addressing the “Big Data Challenge,” as the dilemma is sometimes referred to, comes from the company’s unusual genesis: Hammond, the founder of Northwestern’s AI laboratory, decided early on to partner with the university’s respected journalism school to test and refine his lab’s capabilities. A collaboration between engineers and journalism students ensued, allowing the two groups to apply advances in artificial intelligence to content and news generation. At first, the technology was used to produce sports articles based on local baseball team statistics. “You would be amazed at how much analytics is required to produce a really good sports story,” notes Hammond. But in time, he and his partners realized that the technology, while relevant to media companies — some of whom are now clients — was also relevant, if not more so, to data-driven businesses like finance.

基于伊利诺伊州的公司埃文斯顿由哈蒙德成立,以及首席科学顾问Larry Birnbaum,另一个西北电脑科学教授,以及首席执行官Stuart Frankel,以前是谷歌子公司Doubleclick Doubleclick的高管。
