
经济学与战略 - 信用衍生品:第一

荣誉最高荣誉第二年是J.P.摩根四重奏由Rishad Ahluwalia和Saul Doctor进行的,他还在定量分析中试用第三名队伍。

    Rishad Ahluwalia,Saul医生和团队
    J.P. Morgan

    第二次立年度荣誉是J.P.摩根四重奏ri rishad ahluwalia和扫罗医生,谁也在定量分析中飞行第三名球队。基于伦敦的船员由巴黎的投资组合经理称为“优秀的分析”,而纽约的资产经理称赞该集团的“掌握大局”。The market for collateralized loan obligations came roaring back in the U.S. last year — volume topped $54 billion, the highest level since 2007 — but in Europe it remains lifeless, in large part because of European Union regulations that require issuers to maintain a significant portion in their own funds. However, the region’s first postcrisis CLOs are in the works, one from Cairn Capital and the other from Pramerica Fixed Income. “Underlying bank-loan collateral is coming up for refinancing over the next couple of years, so there’s going to be a huge liquidity need from the leveraged finance market in Europe,” explains Ahluwalia, 36. “Historically, CLOs have been very important in providing that financing liquidity.” The team is recommending that clients buy new-issue European CLOs as they become available, since the spread and liquidity premiums are likely to be attractive relative to new-issue U.S. CLOs. A graduate of Duke University in the U.S. with a bachelor’s degree in political science and economics, Ahluwalia covered structured securities at Lehman Brothers before joining J.P. Morgan in 2002. Doctor, 33, joined J.P. Morgan one year later; he earned a master’s degree in financial mathematics from King’s College London.- Carolyn Koo.