
2013 Tech 50:Richard Mcvey


    Richard Mcvey.
    MarketAxess Holdings.

    Marketaxess Holdings在债券市场的变化中,他们从主要监管和结构性动荡的电子交易转向电子交易时。The trend has been building since Richard McVey, former head of North American fixed-income sales at J.P. Morgan & Co., led MarketAxess out of the bank’s LabMorgan incubator in 2000. He has been chairman and CEO of the now-$200 million-in-revenue company from the start and took it public in 2004 (current valuation: $1.7 billion); today his oft-repeated prophecy that “markets will be moving in our direction” is coming true in spades. May was a record month, with $62.5 billion in total volume, up 36 percent from a year earlier, pushing New York–based MarketAxess’ market share up 1.5 points, to 12.9 percent. With liquidity scarce, the buy-side firms where fixed-income assets are concentrated “are trying to move trades through a smaller pipe of dealers,” McVey, 53, notes. In a response to that squeeze, BlackRock (see11号罗伯特戈克斯坦)一直在开发替代债券交易平台,于4月决定与市场兴趣合作。“这将使投资者能够在匿名的公开订单书中发布直播订单,任何参与者都可以回应它,”Mcvey说。“这对投资者来说是一个巨大的行为变革,他们一直都是价格接受者。”
