

随着巴西的世界杯被誉为最近的记忆中最好的,Dirma Rousseff的总裁已成为一个生命线。

这一判决已经是:巴西2014年世界杯时,“杯DAS COPAS”或“杯的杯,”已经在最近的记忆中最精彩的比赛。Before the first game of the quarterfinals, set to kick off today at noon in Rio de Janeiro between France and Germany, 154 goals have been scored already, surpassing the 145 during the entire 2010 World Cup and placing the 1998 tournament’s all-time record of 171 in serious jeopardy. For the host side, there has been much to cheer, with Neymar leading the Seleção, as the Brazil squad is known in its home country, to a string of stirring victories with a golden-fringed energy that has made the nation genuinely excited about soccer again after the difficult lead-up to the tournament. Neymar, Brazilian soccer’s pin-up du jour, may also in the process have helped stabilize the troubled总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫政府

离开现场,事情令人惊讶地顺利进行,很少有任何运输问题,交通混乱,机场批发和大量的,窒息抗议许多人的期待。“这是真实的,许多人担心最糟糕的是,基于圣保罗政治咨询公司ProSpectiva的管理合伙人Ricardo Camargo Mendes junargy Mendes。“但巴西人对锦标赛的跑步方式感到愉快。”


即使是示威者,在相当大程度上保持沉默 - 这是我发现我自己,同时通过巴西旅行。三次,在三个不同的城市,我试图通过Facebook进行接触与黑色组织,抗议运动的最激进的翅膀,在六月涌向这位联合会杯足球赛的最后一年。在每一次我收到了回信和安排,以满足制造;在每一次我来到从黑色组织指定的地方,没有人来了。这是一个抗议运动似乎不愿特有得到它的消息更广泛的受众。

然而,分析师仍然持怀疑态度,即世界杯将在10月份在全国选举前提升卢梭持续的提升。Markets have remained relatively neutral since the start of the tournament, with the Brazilian real strengthening modestly and the benchmark local Ibovespa equities index easing into a slight decline over the past three weeks after spiking in the days following the opening match on June 12. The government’s poll numbers reflect the slightly stagnant state of the markets. Rousseff’s approval rating rose to 35 percent in the July 2 poll conducted by political polling firm Datafolha, from 33 percent in June. But despite the moderate World Cup lift, that July figure is only a slight improvement on Rousseff’s all-time low of 30 percent, recorded at the height of the protests one year ago, and still comfortably below February’s recent high of 41 percent. According to Mendes, the successful execution of the World Cup may have helped stanch the decline in Rousseff’s poll numbers.



内维斯建立了他作为一个财政鹰派谁从破产的米纳斯吉拉斯州,这是他统治2002年至2010年保存的声誉,并把它变成了巴西最商业友好的状态 - 让他在一个国家的战斗明显的吸引力驯服加深财政赤字和通货膨胀率上升。“差距正在缩小,但很难看到它缩小更进一步,”内韦斯的的一场艰苦的战斗门德斯说。对罗塞夫的工人党(PT)的民众支持基础,特别是在农村和城市贫困地区,简直是太粘。人口统计学和民意测验仍然看好罗塞芙 - 现在。

There’s also evidence of an increasing pragmatism in the way that Rousseff is handling the task of pre-election campaigning, especially in the increasing reliance on her fellow PT member, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who had been kept largely out of the picture for the first few years of her first term. Lula is helping forge consensus among the party on election policy, which may make the PT more appealing to swing voters who had been turned off by the ideological rigidity of Rousseff’s first term.

“我们将LULA视为务实所,”布拉德斯科资产管理的首席经济学家Fernando Holorato表示,SãoPaulo为基于SãoPaulo的公司,管理层的管理资产为1300亿美元。“There’s less of an emphasis on ideology” in the way the PT is handling the lead-in to the election, raising hopes that Rousseff, should she win in October, will not shy from the cuts that will be necessary to rein in the deficit and bring the nation’s finances back into balance.

Early rumors suggest that either Alexandre Tombini, the governor of the central bank, or Nelson Barbosa, a former deputy Finance minister who left Rousseff’s government midway through her first term, is in line to replace Guido Mantega as Finance minister in the event of a PT victory. Both are relative moderates and rumors of their involvement in the PT’s plans could help influence the narrative that Rousseff, having taken a deeply interventionist turn in her first term, is in the throes of a belated embrace of economic pragmatism and will be more willing to press ahead with structural adjustment.

但是,如果通胀继续上升和失业 - 另一个迫在眉睫的问题 - 确实也是如此,在未来几个月可能会摇摆投票果断赞成反对,认为门德斯。在此期间,足球嘉年华会适度而不是滚果断,支持政府的命运在更大的政治对手来。


在Twitter上关注Aaron Timms@aarontimms.
