领导第三年的这个名单是摩根士丹利队的方向Guilherme Paiva.39.“该团队出现了原创和新的角度来看待市场问题,”一个崇拜者报告。例如,Paiva的“使用概率权重,了解竞选结果是如何创造性的,”另一位财富经理说。为他的部分,纽约的船员领导人表示,“在大幅度级别,许多新兴市场经济在全球危机之后继续努力过渡到新的经济模式 - 而拉丁国家与他们的同龄人不同。“战略家建议,结构改革对于可持续,长期增长强劲,更强劲的长期增长至关重要。他们认为哥伦比亚,墨西哥和秘鲁在这方面取得了重要进展,而巴西和较小的智利在他们面前的工作大大。Given their forecast that Mexico’s real gross domestic product growth will accelerate from a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 2.4 percent in the first half of this year to more than 4 percent in the second half, Paiva and his colleagues recommend that investors favor domestic cyclical sectors that are leveraged to growth, such as banking, cement and media. This year, Paiva also co-leads, with Cesar Medina, teams that earn No. 2 and runner-up positions, respectively, for their coverage of Chile and Argentina; he also heads a group that captures a runner-up ranking for its reporting on Brazil.