

    <2014年全美研究团队 William FeatherstonubsFirst-Place外观:0



    威廉·福伯斯顿UBS在第二位重复,部分地归功于他的“彻底和详细的报告”一款货币经理提供,“包括我们可以用来了解公司的内在估值的网络资产价值模型。”Featherston在本集团总体上持谨慎态度,引用了高于他的长期标准化的油价,比他的长期正常化的每桶95美元,而在今年上半年的表现优于,这将符合其2015年估计的历史平均值的估值。结果,“我们选择性地推荐名称,提供高于平均水平的债务调整的增长,廉价估值和不同催化剂,”他解释道。例子包括Anadarko Petroleum公司,其在大型价格上以最大的价格交易,以获得相对于其同龄人的净资产价值折扣。德克萨斯州林地也可以在若干资产中出售其工作兴趣,包括西部气体合作伙伴和莫桑比克的液化天然气项目,他指出,“帮助将其净资产价值前进并提供收益股份回购计划,偿还债务并增加净现金。“Featherston also likes EOG Resources, reasoning that the Houston-based company is “probably the large-cap leader in unconventional shale development,” having been one of the first movers in several big shale plays, including the Williston Basin’s Bakken formation, the Barnett shale in Bend Arch–Fort Worth province and Eagle Ford formation in south Texas. Further, given the Houston-based company’s track record and technological prowess, he deems it well positioned for both current and future shale plays. Finally, “the multiple you’re paying for the growth that they’re delivering is attractive relative to its peers,” Featherston advises.