
2014全美研究团队:软件,第1名:Kasthuri Rangan

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    Kasthuri Rangan在过去三年里,他一直位居第二。在旧金山工作的Rangan报告了25只美国软件股票,并看好云计算和大数据细分行业。他解释道:“随着经济复苏的反弹已经过去,大型成熟公司的增长已经放缓,这意味着它们需要进行更多收购,并采用订阅模式。”“Salesforce.com、VMware和Splunk等云计算和大数据公司在结构上处于优势地位。”客户尤其称赞这位分析师对总部位于旧金山、提供客户关系管理软件服务的Salesforce.com的报道。2013年6月,Salesforce宣布有意以25亿美元收购印第安纳波利斯的云营销平台ExactTarget。这导致该股单日下跌7.9%。不过,Rangan重申了他的买入评级,并指出“由于核心增长强劲,一笔大规模、稀释性收购造成的股票积压带来的回落,代表着一个机会。”到目前为止,一切顺利。截至7月31日的财季收入同比飙升37.8%,达到13.2亿美元,股价也随之上涨。 By the middle of last month, it had rocketed 51.7 percent, to $57.57, outperforming the sector by 21.9 percentage points. The 45-year-old is “one of the old guard of grizzled sell-side software analysts,” says one admirer, “who brings a wealth of insight in helping investors understand the complex model transitions impacting the sector.” Rangan began his career as a technology analyst at Robertson Stephens & Co. before moving on to become a senior analyst covering software at RBC Dain Rauscher and then Wachovia Securities. Since 2005 he has covered this sector for BofA Merrill. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the College of Engineering in Madras, India, an M.S. in industrial engineering from Louisiana State University and an MBA from Tulane University’s Freeman School of Business in New Orleans.