
2014年的交易:Medtronic,Covidien Home In Tout-Up


去年6月,Medtronic董事长兼Covidien总裁兼首席执行官Omar Ishrak和JoséAlmeida宣布他们的医疗器械公司在收购中的结合将看到Medtronic支付468亿美元的现金和股票。But it wasn’t just the price tag of the deal that raised eyebrows: Minneapolis-based Medtronic, which reported $4.4 billion in net sales in its latest quarter, made the controversial decision to locate the new company’s principal executive offices in Dublin, where much smaller Covidien, which in the quarter ended September 26 posted sales of $2.73 billion, is based. The move will allow the company to avoid U.S. taxes on overseas profits, and it came at a time when tax inversions appeared to be on the uptick.

决策推力是ishrak,58和Almeida,52,进入一个不断增长的美国对经济反转影响的辩论。That fight, which spawned new regulations to make inversions tougher, began in April with the announcement that New York–based Pfizer was interested in buying London-based AstraZeneca and move the new company’s headquarters to the U.K. (AstraZeneca would reject the offer.) Medtronic’s purchase of Covidien made headlines soon after, followed by Burger King Worldwide’s announcement of plans to buy Canadian doughnut chain Tim Hortons and set up headquarters in Toronto. What had been painted by those involved in the deal Medtronic-Covidien as a significant but secondary feature of the tie-up became a public lightning rod. Scrutiny increased in the second quarter as the Obama administration cracked down on inversions and Democratic lawmakers introduced legislation to stop the practice, but people close to the Medtronic-Covidien transaction said politics had little impact on it. Ishrak held fast, telling journalists that the goal wasn’t avoiding taxes but combining two complementary businesses poised to take advantage of changing global health care needs.


基于Dublin的Covidien使医疗设备用于世界各地的医院;基于明尼阿波利斯的Medtronic是与患者的顶级技术生产商,如胰岛素泵和起搏器。The merger will create a more well-rounded set of offerings, and although Medtronic is established in many countries, Covidien’s presence in China, India and Latin America is expected to give the combined company, which projects $27 billion in annual revenue postmerger, a significant boost. Covidien stock reached a new 52-week high of $101.66 on November 28, while Medtronic, which has traded at the upper end of its 52-week range since the deal announcement, closed at $73.87. This performance was bolstered by the European Union’s blessing of the merger the same day and U.S. regulatory approval on November 26.

Medtronic由Perella Weinberg Partners和美国银行Merrill Lynch代表,它将在费用中的3800万美元中走开。高盛队伍的成就从2015年初开始赚取5800万美元。


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