作为点燃欧元区危机并在整个大陆金融部门创造动荡的国家,希腊似乎是银行复苏的不可能场地。仍然令人惊讶的是,欧洲欧元郡伊尔加西亚斯,直到最近是最陷入困境的家庭希腊贷方,通过拉开2014年最重要的银行交易之一。售价为29亿欧元(40亿美元)的权利问题,是最大的资本之一- 希腊历史上,欧元克成为第一个 - 仍然是唯一一个返回多数私营部门所有权的地方贷方。
信用转型到Christos Megalou,55,这是一名长期投资银行家,欧元币于2013年6月击中其首席执行官。“这是我在商业银行的第一次经验,”高大的灰发,雅典的高管说,其上一篇帖子是苏美南欧投资银行业投资银行业副主席。“但如果你在压力下,你必须提供。”
截至2011年的净亏损达到55亿欧元,由希腊政府在2010年被债权人支持的欧洲央行(欧洲央行,欧洲委员会和国际货币基金组织)占据了欧元区。Megalou的使命是为了大大降低成本,保持存款人的信心,并将银行退回私营部门控制。“Christos did a huge marketing job to attract some of the most important institutional investors across the world,” says Aristidis Vourakis, London-based head of European financial institutions for J.P. Morgan, the JPMorgan Chase & Co. unit that headed a list of ten book runners for the deal, along with Barclays and Deutsche Bank. Total fees were $117 million, according to Freeman Consulting Services and Thomson Reuters.
Megalou和Vourakis表示,这项任务是由锚地投资者集团的促进,其中包括资本集团CoS。洛杉矶,基于多伦多的Fairfax金融控股和WL Ross&Co.,纽约公司经营的威尔堡罗斯Jr.本集团对欧元克进行了尽职调查,涵盖了29亿欧元的13亿欧元。“所以当我们实际完成交易时,它似乎在公园散步,”Vourakis说。“每个人都想买入欧元克,我们被超额认购三次,超过300个不同的股票订单。”
这些投资者最近收到了几件可喜的消息。After seeing its gross domestic product shrink by a quarter between 2008 and 2013, Greece has crawled out of recession and is expected to register growth of about 0.5 percent for the past year, with prospects for a higher rate in 2015. The ECB’s asset quality review and stress test results in October showed that Eurobank had sufficient capital and wouldn’t have to go back to the market. And in the six months since the deal was completed, deposits have increased by €2.2 billion, or 5.43 percent — well above the pace at almost all other local lenders. “Depositors feel more confident about a private sector bank,” says Megalou.
当欧元克最终降低了不正常贷款的巨大供应费用时,存款人和投资者会感到更加自信 - 一个世俗的痛苦 - 自2010年以来首次展示利润。“我们的目标是明年,”首席执行官说。