Monica Lai有很大的工作:她属于三个只有三个的团队,监督药物公司辉瑞的140亿美元的福利养老金计划,并负责所有替代投资承诺,包括对冲基金,私募股权和房地产。辉瑞公司的定义福利投资团队在没有投资顾问的帮助下运营。莱斯,38岁,在威奇托,堪萨斯州,并参加了斯坦福大学,在那里她在公共政策中获得了BA。她在Dot-Com和投资银行繁荣期间毕业;在纽约纽约的投资银行业分析师少于一年后,她正在加入技术银行业的优惠。相反,她决定进入重组,然后进行私募股权。Lai earned an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College before joining Harvest Partners, a New York–based middle-market private equity firm, in 2005. Three years later she moved to Steven Rattner’s Quadrangle Group in New York, which was building out a single-family office. Finding that she enjoyed asset management, Lai jumped at the opportunity to work for New York–based Pfizer, where she could play a major role and invest across asset classes. When she joined as an investment officer in 2010, the hedge fund portfolio was only about 1 percent of total assets, mostly allocated through funds of hedge funds. Lai has grown it to roughly 5 percent, invested directly in a concentrated group of funds.