
2015年全拉丁美洲研究团队:阿根廷,1:Marcos Buscaglia,Frank McGann&Team

    Marcos Buscaglia,Frank McGann&Teambank of America Merrill Lynchfirst-Place外观:4



    Marcos Buscaglia.弗兰克麦克纳guide their Bank of America Merrill Lynch squad up one position to first place, delivering the firm’s first top finish on this roster since 2000 while knocking three-time winner Itaú BBA down to No. 2. “I especially like their work in the energy space,” one fund manager reports. “They know all the Argentinean names and understand the complexities of the region. They’re also very good at identifying investment opportunities and accurately gauging the present value of stocks.” For essentially identical reasons the researchers are touting both Petrobras Argentina and Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales, a pair of Buenos Aires–based hydrocarbon exploration and production names. Each is rated buy largely on the view that it should benefit from the much-anticipated reduction in Argentina’s political risk when a new president takes office on December 10. Stock prices, however, could prove volatile during the next six months, being “highly influenced by news flow in the run-up to the October 25 presidential election,” says Buscaglia, who works out of New York. Eight provincial contests will also take place on that date, and a runoff presidential round, if necessary, is scheduled for November 22. Still, he adds, “we currently see more upside than downside for the shares. Project execution and successful exploitation of conventional tight gas and shale assets are critical for stock performance.” Petrobras Argentina, the local subsidiary of Brazilian energy giant Petróleo Brasileiro, would likely get a boost if management were to spin off the company’s electricity generation and petrochemicals units, he notes. The team’s price objective for Petrobras Argentina’s American depositary receipts is $9, which implies a 24.5 percent upside to their value in mid-July. Although the analysts forecast that YPF will deliver lackluster earnings and stock performance through year’s end, as a result of rising inflation and its inability to raise prices, by mid-2016 they expect that such macro factors as favorable global oil prices and more friendly domestic economic policies will catalyze results. Their 12-month target for its ADRs, which closed at $25.69 in mid-July, is $39. This year Buscaglia also co-leads, with David Beker, a crew that captures经济学的第一名;与Felipe Hirai,他共同担任智利阵容的亚军团队。45岁的研究员分别拥有庞多里西亚大学的蓬菲尼亚·阿里斯和宾夕法尼亚大学的庞蒂蒂娅大学康佳学士学位和经济学博士学位。他在阿根廷大学的大学和宾夕法尼亚州教授了这个主题,然后搬到了卖店,从花旗赛到2010年9月加入Bofa Merrill,他曾担任演员拉丁美洲首席经济学家。布宜诺斯艾利斯为基础的McGann,59,于1992年签署了Merrill Lynch,于1992年从康涅狄格州Aetna股票投资者搬到了两年后搬到拉丁美洲,以涵盖阿根廷和该地区的石油工业。他监督石油,天然气和石油化工部门的小组享有今年该名册上的亚军。McGann赢得了伊利诺伊州西北大学凯洛格管理学院的金融管理学位硕士。