Morgan Stanley的区域股权战略家是“在预期的活动链接和建议在拉丁美洲的位置,”观察一位货币经理。“他们的材料导致谈话,几个月后,你会看到摩根士丹利的主题赶上在其他地方寻求解决。”这一事件有助于公司在这个名单上确保第四次直线1。领导球队是纽约的基础Guilherme Paiva.40岁,谁也负责监督赢得囚禁队的追求,以赢得巴西和阿根廷,后者塞纳尔塞纳德。他和他的同事们来自墨西哥城,纽约和圣保罗 - 赞成智利和墨西哥的国家,“这已经完成了家庭作业,因此重新平衡或处于重新平衡他们经济的先进阶段,”Paiva说。“关键问题是当前经济扩张的步伐和力量Vis-in-Vis,当地股市在盈利增长方面的定价。”具体而言,在墨西哥,他们是通过房地产和建设杠杆制造业的公司的支持者;通过工业,改革思想国有企业;通过银行和媒体部门利用当地增长的消费者名称。智利,Paiva认为,是“该地区最有趣的市场之一。”The nation’s current-account deficit has shrunk from more than 4 percent of gross domestic product as recently as the first-quarter of 2013 to less than 1 percent in the final three months of last year, he explains, and year-to-date economic data through mid-June showed accelerating growth. In addition, Chilean stocks are attractively valued, the strategists believe. They are, however, less sanguine about the prospects for Brazil, Colombia and Peru, which serve as examples of countries that have made “little or limited progress in rebalancing their economies,” says Paiva.