
2015全拉丁美洲研究团队:零售,No. 1: Andrea Teixeira &团队

    <2015年拉丁美洲研究团队 安德里亚•特谢拉
    & teamJ.P。MorganFirst-Place表象:6



    连续第二年排名第一的是总部位于纽约的摩根大通剧团安德里亚•特谢拉今年,他又出现在两张花名册上。在食物和饮料她带领一个小组获得第二名,她的医疗保健小组获得第二名。在这个领域,特谢拉和她的五名队友“由于他们的努力工作和客观结论,在华尔街赢得了良好的声誉,”一位投资组合经理说。投资者还称赞他们对行业主要参与者的洞察力和预测准确性。该团队涵盖了39个区域零售类股,对该板块的看法褒奖不一。41岁的特谢拉说:“有证据表明,实际工资上涨、正规化和有利的人口统计数据推动消费增长,我们对墨西哥的零售商持乐观态度。”“另一方面,我们对巴西零售业持谨慎态度,因为失业率上升,消费者和企业信心下降,利率上升,这些都抑制了消费。安第斯山脉的消费一直在减速,但我们对智利的零售商持乐观态度,尽管面临自上而下的挑战,他们仍然表现良好。”因此,研究人员敦促投资者购买墨西哥的利物浦(Liverpool)和巴西的洛哈斯•雷纳(Lojas Renner)。2014年6月,他们将百货商店运营商利物浦从中性上调为增持,此后一直保持看涨评级。截至上月中旬,该公司股价上涨了30.9%,至192.99比索,比该地区板块高出24.5个百分点。 The team forecasts a further increase to 207 pesos. Clothier Lojas Renner saw its rating likewise bumped to overweight in February. Despite their circumspection on the domestic market, the analysts believe that solid retail execution and a strong value proposition for Renner’s customers should enable it to continue to outperform. They assign the shares a price objective of 139 reais, which implies a 22.3 percent upside to their value in mid-July. At that time, Renner had already soared 40.8 percent since their rating upgrade, against the 9.5 percent gain by Latin America’s retailers overall. “I like the color they include in their notes, and discussions with them are really interesting,” remarks another admirer.