

首先重复,Flymer Steven Fleishman的全美研究团队大厅在1997年以来的第1号赢得了他的第13位。




首先重复,全美研究团队名额史蒂文粪便自1997年以来,在1997年以来,在他亮相外表之后的一年以来,赢得了第13届。和奇怪的是,考虑到沃尔夫雷研究分析师从买边收到的令人瞩目的奇迹。“史蒂夫知道这个行业,了解管理层,知道有什么作用和没有什么,”一款货币经理主叫。“同样重要的是,他通过法规和数字的复杂性削减,以提供有用和相关的投资洞察。”Domestic regulated utilities are suffering from investors’ positioning for monetary tightening from the U.S. Federal Reserve, says Fleishman, 46. But valuations are reasonable, and the stocks can return 9 percent, he believes, which is “pretty competitive against the market over the next three to five years, given continued troubles with sustaining growth for the economy.” During the 12 months through mid-September, U.S. electric utilities slipped 1.6 percent, while the S&P 500 fell 2.6 percent. Names the researcher is touting include NextEra Energy of Juno Beach, Florida, and San Diego–based Sempra Energy. “They provide a good balance between the stability of the utility model and much better growth in their big infrastructure businesses,” he explains. Specifically, NextEra is a top electric utility and a leader in the U.S. renewables space, Fleishman notes, while Sempra operates a gas utility business and one of the most attractive liquefied-natural-gas export projects, as well as being a top energy infrastructure company in Mexico. His respective price objectives for the stocks are $123 and $121, implying upsides of 26.4 percent and 30.9 percent to their values in mid-September. “Steve is very good at analyzing things in context — utilities versus their own histories and each other, utilities versus the broader market and market reactions over time. This is very valuable,” another backer avers.