
2015全美研究团队:IT硬件与电子制造服务,第1名:A.M. (Toni) Sacconaghi


Sanford C。
Bernstein & Co。



这一类别结合了以前分开的IT硬件和技术供应链部门点(托尼)萨科纳吉2002 - 2014赛季前大名单第一名——在修改后的阵容中稳居第一名。在11位目前排名第一的全美研究团队名人堂成员的连胜记录中,只有ISI Evercore分析师大卫·拉索(David Raso)在机械领域的15年霸主地位能超越他14年的统治;巴克莱(Barclays)的梅雷迪思•阿德勒(Meredith Adler)与萨科纳吉(Sacconaghi)不相上下,荣登零售/食品和药品连锁企业排行榜榜首。尽管这位桑福德伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.)的研究员只监测了五家这一领域的公司,但一位支持者认为他“研究成果多产”。这位支持者补充说:“也许最令人钦佩的是,他不怕向管理层提出棘手的问题。”50岁的萨科纳吉认为,美国信息技术公司“面临几个关键问题”。也就是说,“如何迁移到新的技术,比如云计算和基于订阅的软件产品;如何与咄咄逼人、低成本、总部位于亚洲的竞争对手竞争;以及寻找新的增长领域,特别是考虑到他们非常庞大的收入基础,这使得前进非常困难。在这种背景下,”他补充说,“我们认为我们的大多数股票都是‘交易股票’,而不是长期持有的股票。”客户们尤其赞赏他对加州库比蒂诺(Cupertino)苹果公司可靠的积极前景。 Underpinning his current optimism on the consumer electronics giant are a valuation he considers low and his belief that iPhone revenue can expand in the fiscal year through next September. Similarly, he continues to tout Palo Alto, California–based enterprise hardware provider Hewlett-Packard Co., which he deems “very inexpensive and likely to rerate as it splits into two separate companies in November,” when HP is expected to spin off its printer and personal computer business. A more recent favorite is data storage industry leader EMC Corp. of Hopkinton, Massachusetts. The analyst raised his rating on the stock to outperform in April, after more than five years of maintaining a market perform stance, citing his expectation that management is likely to undertake one of several value-creating options before year’s end. Going the other direction, in mid-July he lowered his position on printers and ink products manufacturer Lexmark International of Lexington, Kentucky, from market perform to underperform. “The company had very poor earnings this year, conceding that it had a large build in channel inventory, and lowered guidance for the year — and the stock cratered,” he recalls. Indeed, by early August, Lexmark had slumped 28.1 percent, to $32.11, and trailed its peers by 31.1 percentage points. Citing valuation, he boosted his rating back to market perform. Sacconaghi “continues to write the most in-depth, best-researched work in the space,” another fan insists. “He really understands of-the-moment controversies and attacks them directly in his work.”