
Beer Giants Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller Agree to Deal, But Trouble Brews

Antitrust rumblings pose a sobering threat to the beer industry's largest merger, which would significantly boost AB InBev's emerging-markets exposure.

敬酒是为了追溯到假期。11月11日,比利时 - 总部酿酒师Anheuser-Busch Inbev宣布计划吞下其最接近的竞争对手SABMiller,以获得1174亿美元。待处理的成交,啤酒行业历史上最大的合并和最大的并购交易之一,激起了威胁到谈判数月的反垄断隆隆声。不遗余力地买到每个人的寒冷,世界两大泡沫制造商正在采取措施顺利的方式。

如果他们加入军队,AB inbev和Sabmiller将分享一个充满沸腾品牌的冷却器,从前的Budweiiser,Corona和Stella Artois到后者的城堡Lager,Foster和Pilsner Urquell。他们需要一个名字 - 希望,比品牌泥浆的佩恩队更具创造性的建议。与此同时,分析师已经被称为兆瓦,充分理由。这两家公司2014年的净收入总额为694亿美元,据最近的竞争对手是荷兰的Heineken International的近三倍。

他们一起将占据各大啤酒市场。With sales stagnating in developed markets, including Anheuser-Busch’s native U.S., AB InBev CEO Carlos Brito, 55, recognized the need to enter faster-growing arenas. Through the combination, Brito’s Leuven-based conglomerate will gain a significant presence in Africa, which it currently lacks. SABMiller, which began as South African Breweries in 1895, derives roughly a third of its revenue from 17 countries throughout that continent. Africa is expected to see 5 percent annual growth in beer consumption through 2017, while sales in North America and Western Europe remain flat, according to Canadean, a London-based market research firm.

ab inbev正在提供£44($ 66)股票以现金为萨布尔,溢价超过伦敦公司的收盘价50%以上,第一次提案成为公众前一天。股东可以选择替代偿还额度,平等约为现金及限制性股票的每股41.85英镑。如果合并计划通过,AB Inbev将使Sabmiller股东提交3亿美元的分手费。两方面的银行 - 主要的Lazard,代表AB inbev和基于伦敦的精品Robey Warshaw,建议Sabmiller - 预计弗里曼&Co.报告的费用高达2.35亿美元。

联盟由烟草泰坦支持Altria Group和BEVCO,控股公司哥伦比亚Santo Domingo家族。它们集体占SABMiller股票的40.45%,并选择了限制股份选项。荷兰持有公司BRC和EPS参与,其中控制51.8%的AB Inbev,也给了好的。巴西人private equity firm 3G Capital, which fashioned AB InBev through a series of mergers between 2004 and 2008 and remains its largest shareholder, was instrumental in securing approval on both sides through direct talks with SABMiller shareholders. That move rankled some observers, who viewed CEO Brito’s and 3G’s methods as hostile.


他们已经安排卸载资产,以赢得监管批准。如果AB Inbev交易结束,SabMiller将销售58%的米尔卡德·米勒品牌,以及全球米勒品牌,与全球米勒品牌一起摩尔森铸造酿造有限公司。AB Inbev也在考虑Shedding Sabmiller的荷兰品牌Grolsch,意大利啤酒佩鲁尼,U.K.的同时和雪啤酒,China首批销售啤酒品牌,安抚欧洲和中国立法者。