

沃伦·巴菲特's Berkshire Hathaway and Jorge Paulo Lemann's 3G Capital look to squeeze new profit out of the two old-fashioned companies.

如果你喜欢番茄酱,你会喜欢Jell-O和美国奶酪。在这次假设,沃伦巴菲特和巴西亿万富翁豪尔赫·保罗·莱姆南共有50亿美元,将其私人拥有的调味品制造商H.J. Heinz持有公司合并,与加工食品巨头牛皮纸组合。

Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway3G首都,开始生活作为莱曼的家庭办公室,一起服用Heinz私人在2013年的价格为274亿美元。现在,他们拥有51%的公开上市的牛肝亨兹公司在7月2日结束后。克拉特股东获得了49%的合并实体,加上16.50美元的一次性股息,购买者从自己的充足口袋中支付了100亿美元的支付。

Kraft, based outside Chicago and best known for venerable convenience foods like Miracle Whip and Kool-Aid, is hardly a growth company in the era of kale and whole grains. But that is not the point for 3G, which has consolidated much of the world’s啤酒业进入Anheuser-Busch Inbev - 很快就会在同意的情况下包括更多收购顶级竞争对手Sabmiller- 并于2004年袭击南美洲以来的快餐帝国汉堡王。就像那些公司和匹兹堡总部的Heinz一样,Kraft是一个家喻户晓的家庭名称,其业务已经变得松弛,靠近交易。3G命令清洁房屋迁徙管理团队专家 - 12个亨氏顶级经理的11个在买断之后被解雇 - 并在古老的番茄酱或啤酒瓶中挤出新的利润。亨氏和牛皮纸品牌也相互补充,通过缺乏反垄断关切的证明,易于遵守的恐惧症inbev-sabmiller交易。

Lemann made his first fortune by founding investment bank Banco Garantia in 1971, then multiplied it starting with two Brazilian breweries in the ’90s, when inflation peaked there at more than 2,000 percent. “3G’s experience running companies in a hyperinflationary environment in Brazil has contributed to a disciplined focus on an optimized cost structure,” says Alexander Hecker, New York–based co-head of consumer and retail investment banking at Lazard, which advised the 3G–Berkshire Hathaway team.

两家老式公司的结合受到两名不年长的投资者之间的老式关系的推动。巴菲特,85和Lemann,76,自20世纪90年代后期在吉列公司的董事会上服务以来一直是朋友。他们在50-50的基础上购买了Heinz,3G在纽约和里约热内卢设有办事处,接管业务。巴菲特还占据了80亿美元的首选股票,为他支付了9%的海因斯股息。One attraction of the merger was the potential for using Kraft’s investment-grade credit rating to redeem these shares with cash borrowed more cheaply, which the parties intend to do in 2016. The combined company earned a BBB–, the lowest investment-grade rating, from Standard & Poor’s.

由于巴菲特和莱姆南没有借用任何新的钱来收购牛皮纸,这笔交易可以由旧学校投资银行家作为唯一顾问而交易,而无需现在典型的贷款银行列表。历史也在这里举行了这一天。Lazard在以前的三个交易中工作了3G,包括Heinz购买和2008年收购美国酿造冠军Anheuser-Busch Cos。将巴西人放在全球地图上。

Kraft was advised by Centerview Partners, the New York boutique launched in 2006 by Blair Effron, a consumer products rainmaker from UBS, and Robert Pruzan, ex-president of Wasserstein Perella & Co. Centerview previously worked for Kraft on its $19 billion takeover of U.K. chocolate maker Cadbury in 2010, and advised Heinz during the 3G–Berkshire Hathaway buyout there. Centerview stands to earn up to $97 million from Kraft Heinz, Freeman & Co. reports, while Lazard reaps as much as $66 million.
