
2015年养老金40:Karen Ferguson和Karen Friedman

第22号Karen Ferguson&Karen Friedman,创始人和主任;政策总监/养老金权利中心

Karen Ferguson&Karen Friedman

1974年,国会制定了Erisa,这保护了私营部门雇员的递延补偿。1976年,Karen Ferguson.最近哈佛大学学校毕业的毕业生,成立了基于华盛顿州的养老金权利中心,以确保通过教育,游说和宣传,退休人员收到承诺的养老金。“我们在1976年度所做的工作现在才会变得更加重要,”中国总监弗格森说。“今天的退休保障的挑战我们无法想象40年前。”其中一项中国最大的战斗一直在争夺2014年的Kline-Miller多发养老金改革法案(参见第23号兰迪德德伦)。奥巴马总统签署了法律,在一年的Omnibus账单中,MPRA允许联盟Taft-Hartley养老金的受托人在预期的基金破产的预期提前减少福利。“它推翻了埃里萨的基本原则之一,”中国政策总监凯伦·弗里德曼那a Georgetown University grad who joined in 1980. Friedman has been speaking about the issue with affected retirees across the U.S., and Senator Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, has taken up PRC’s fight against MPRA by introducing the Keep Our Pension Promises Act of 2015. “The Karens,” as they’re known, have also tackled the issue of companies that buy out retirees’ pensions with loans made at usurious interest rates, called pension advances. They also backed the Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Treasury Department’s July ban on employers offering retirees who receive monthly benefits lump-sum payouts as part of de-risking actions. And they’re advocating for victims of employer recoupment efforts in pension overpayments.
