
2016全亚洲研究团队:Banks,第一名:Sanjay Jain & Team

在过去五年中一直排名第二的瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)剧团在桑杰•贾殷(Sanjay Jain)的指导下跃居榜首,首次在该榜单上登顶。

    瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)



    过去五年的亚军,瑞士信贷的剧团在他的指导下Sanjay Jain跃居榜首,记录了它在这个名单上的第一个第一。这些在亚洲各地办公室工作的研究人员追踪了100家地区银行的名字,他们对该集团的总体评价不高。贾恩说,“在中国经济刺激的基础上,银行业在短期内可能会有适度的复苏,但我们预计这种复苏会消退。”他建议,从更长远的角度看,他们并不更加乐观。他预测,“银行业的表现应该逊于更广泛的亚洲市场,与去年类似。”2015年,区域性银行股下跌了10%,落后于大盘3.7个百分点,今年截至4月底下跌了5.3个百分点,下跌了4.8个百分点。瑞信(Credit Suisse)建议投资者继续投资优质股和成长型股。它在这一领域的首选是印度领先的金融服务提供商HDFC银行。该公司市值2.8万亿卢比(422亿美元),资产近7.1万亿卢比,稳居印度最大的两家银行之列。该分析师认为:“未来许多年,HDFC可以实现青少年高收入增长和青少年高股本回报率的罕见一致性。”“它拥有最好的商业模式,经过证明的管理质量,以及最强劲的执行记录,体现在其存款特许经营、费用收入、信贷质量和技术上。” The bank’s stock climbed 8.6 percent during the 12 months through late April, to Rs1,092.15, while its peers’ shares slumped 23.2 percent. His squad projects a rise to Rs1,360. Jain, 50, “gives good insights into the financial sector through the cycles, and his views and analysis are very useful,” observes one fund manager. Credit Suisse’s head of Asia-Pacific financials equity research has held several posts since joining the firm in August 2000. He tracked Thai banks from Bangkok, moved to Singapore to cover local firms then worked in Hong Kong reporting on Chinese names before returning to Singapore in 2014 and assuming his current post. Previously, Jain monitored banks in India and Thailand for HSBC Securities and spent time in investment banking and project finance in India. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from India’s National Institute of Technology, Raipur, and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.