History backs up such middle-term optimism. When actuaries crank out auto insurance policies, they focus on two basic issues: the frequency of accidents and their severity — how much it will cost the insurer to repair vehicles and mend the injured.
不过,未来学家断言,广告技术带来的安全进步和保险业的混乱将不同于19世纪末汽车问世以来的任何一次。毕马威表示,在未来25年内,事故发生率将下降80%。毕马威报告的合著者杰里•奥尔布赖特(Jerry Albright)表示:“保险公司现在需要关注事故频率的降低,因为它们已经开始影响业务。”。
据毕马威精算分析,be a drastic shift from personal auto insurance to policies that cover commercial vehicles as driverless ride-sharing and truck fleets increase their market share. In 2013 personal auto accounted for 87 percent of losses covered by insurance, compared with 13 percent for commercial vehicles. In 2040 commercial vehicle loss coverage will have risen to 28 percent, compared with 58 percent for personal auto. The remaining 14 percent will be taken up by product liability. That category, which is statistically insignificant in today’s auto insurance lines, will grow as manufacturers are held liable for AD product failures. But the bad news for insurers, KPMG says, is that overall loss coverage could fall from $145 billion in 2013 to about $85 billion in 2040. There are several ways this income gap might be bridged. Barclays, in its 2015 report on global auto insurance, suggests there will be a rise over the next couple of decades in policies covering cyberrisks and cyberterrorism as hackers threaten AD commercial fleets by disrupting signals from dispatchers. According to a 2013 report by Boston Consulting Group, enormous troves of data that insurers collect from customers could be profitably used to improve fraud detection in accident claims or to offer one-time policies over mobile phones for vacation activities such as skiing and cycling. For large, diversified insurers, the easiest solution to the threats posed by AD development could be a shift away from auto insurance to other property/casualty lines.
无论如何,保险公司仍有足够的时间制定应对新广告时代的策略。“最终,这对保险业来说可能是毁灭性的,”Keefe,Bruyette&Woods驻巴尔的摩保险分析师Meyer Shields说。“但对于那些正在争夺市场份额的保险公司来说,担心二三十年后的事情是完全没有意义的,因为即使汽车保险业消失了,从那时到现在也有很多钱可以赚。”