On January 3, 2018, the second iteration of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive came into force in Europe. Contained within the new rules was a requirement that asset management firms identify the amount they pay for research separately from what they pay to execute trades.
在12个月内导致MIFID II,资产经理审议了他们在未来一年内花费的研究,投资银行专注于加强和收紧其研究部门来保护和成长他们的市场份额。
由于银行被争取证明他们的研究值得付出代价,这是一个新的赢家作为冠军2018年全欧洲研究团队。瑞银(UBS)是今年的顶级研究机构,rising from second place last year and stealing the crown from Bank of America Merrill Lynch, which placed first the past two years. Forty-two UBS analyst teams earn spots on the All-Europe Research Team this year, a steep improvement from the 29 team positions the firm claimed last year.
瑞银似乎在其内部专有数据收集团队瑞银证明实验室中获得了大量投资的奖励。欧洲,中东和非洲研究负责人Daniel Dowd表示,该结果强调了公司在加强其研究特许经营方面取得的进展。
J.P. Morgan Cazenove第二整体上,一个比去年高的速度。该公司将其改进的职位归因于通过过去一年内的内部促销和外部雇用来增强其研究团队。在一份声明中,Sunil Garg,J.P. Morgan在亚洲和EMEA的国际股权研究负责人表示,该银行已努力确保其研究报道占地面积是通过使用替代数据分析技术的所有卖方研究室中最大的占用。
Last year’s winner, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, polled well again in 2018, down just one team position from last year. However, the strong showing for UBS and J.P Morgan analysts means that BofA Merrill Lynch is relegated to third place in this year’s survey. The company says it spent much of 2017 liaising with clients to better understand the types of research that they would prefer to receive, against the backdrop of the impending MiFID II rules.
“绝大多数客户都重视了我们研究的粒度水平,”银行的EMEA Research负责人Simon Greenwell说。“我们所有人都知道的一件事是,可以少了解研究,因此了解人们将支付的费用非常重要。我们适合隆起支架全球研究提供商类别,因此人们期望我们的全球服务。“
“We are a lot more confident now about where we need to strengthen and make selective hires, but it is not something that we will discuss at this point,” he adds.
四分之一的研究公司是Deutsche Bank和摩根士丹利,分别排名第四和第五。德国银行的发言人表示,它的排名代表了对其研究特许经营的“一致投资”的认可。
除了分析师团队的年度排名外,今年的机构投资者还在基于个别分析师的新领导人委员会。亚博赞助欧冠分析师排名不是将分析师分组分析师,而不是将分析师分组,而是认可获得总体投票的个人。在这一排名中,瑞银和J.P.摩根Cazenove仍然是第一个和第二个整体,而Bofa Merrill Lynch和Deutsche Bank第三个。