
JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley Continue to Dominate U.S. Sales

The two banks lead II’s annual All-America Sales Team for the third year in a row.

Locked ranking


摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase&Co.)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)连续第三年登上了该行业的榜首亚博赞助欧冠2019 All-America Sales Team, the ninth annual ranking of the firms with the best sales professionals. JPMorgan retains its first-place position in the generalist sales category, while Morgan Stanley was once again voted the No. 1 firm in specialist sales.

The two firms remained at the top of the leaderboard despite a change in the survey’s methodology — which this year weighted voters’ responses based on equity commissions — as well as changes in the industry at large. The sell-side research industry has continued to be transformed by the shift from active to passive investing and by regulation such as the European Union’s markets in financial instruments directive, according to top providers. The unbundling of research dollars from trading in January 2018 made clients even more discerning, according to Nick Savone, global head of institutional equities sales at Morgan Stanley.

“Clients have adjusted behavior in a post-MiFID environment,” Savone said. “They are being more selective, consuming more of what they value, which has been beneficial for Morgan Stanley given our global research breadth and our overall product offering. MiFID has driven a need for clients to be more concentrated and thoughtful about where they spend their mind share and wallet share. This dynamic has driven the need for the sell-side to be more differentiated.”

Michael Bossidy, head of global equities sales at JPMorgan, concurred that the change in how clients pay for research has also changed the way clients consume research. “MiFID II will never come between J.P. Morgan and our client relationships,” he said. “The mechanism of bundled pay to a more unbundled model has changed, but it hasn’t changed our mission to deliver a first-class product to clients. There is more scrutiny on budgets and methods of delivery have sided a bit more towards lower-touch consumption, but the highest quality product with the most commercial sales teams behind it will continue to win.”

[IIDeep Dive:摩根士丹利、摩根大通拥有一流的销售团队]

2000买方受访者representing more than 620 investment organizations rated the best generalist and specialist salespeople based on five attributes that included understanding of client needs, idea generation, and the ability to add value to research. Leaderboards ranking the top ten firms based on overall votes were produced for both specialist and generalist sales teams. One pair of leaderboards was compiled based on the commissions-weighting, while a second pair was created by weighting voters by assets under management.



Morgan Stanley placed second in the commissions-weighted ranking of generalist sales teams, which was topped by JPMorgan. In this ranking, Citi Group placed third, BofA Merrill Lynch took fourth, and UBS ranked fifth.

摩根大通美洲机构股票特许经营销售主管丹尼尔•安东内利(Daniel Antonelli)表示:“持续获得高评级的关键在于:对客户需求的深入了解和持续的长期客户关系。”。

The two top-five finishes for BofA Merrill Lynch were notable considering the bank was unranked last year. Susan Riordan, head of Americas advisory sales, reported that the firm has invested in its specialty sales efforts to include the energy, multi-industrial, technology, media, and telecommunications, and healthcare sectors. But “our generalists continue to lead the efforts on account coverage, tailoring Bank of America’s vast resources to help clients with their individual investment process,” she added. “From delivering research to organizing bespoke trips, our goal is to positively impact each investor at every account and help in their investment decisions.”


Evercore ISI, the highest ranked independent research firm to crack the top 10 in II’s generalist and specialist sales rankings, is also investing in technology — and people, according to its head of sales Larry Sibley. “Our sales team has a great balance of seasoned veterans and rising stars; here we invest steadily in the training and development of that rising talent,” he said. “As importantly, we are investing in technology to better enable us to serve our clients. In the past 18 months, we have launched a new [customer relationship management] platform and rebuilt our research distribution platform. Both tools fundamentally help the sales teams serve clients more effectively. I expect technology investments will be critical as we continue to grow.”

