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Members of II’s All-Japan Executive Team share the greatest challenges and toughest decisions of the last year — and how their companies have evolved in response.

面对挑战的持续发展是单位分别的首席执行官亚博赞助欧冠’s 2021All-Japan Executive Team。Shigenobu Nagamori, chairman and chief executive of Nidec Corp., quotes Nietzsche: “The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die.”


在NIDEC推动君塞基于2020年4月,他可能会越来越越来越越来越接近缰绳。塞基是杰卡的第三个招聘总统候选人。Nagamori告诉IIthat his promotion marks an end to a more non-hierarchical management structure and a return to a top-down approach as the company aims at consolidated net sales of 10 trillion yen by the financial year ending March 31, 2031.

Yasuhiko Saitoh knows well the trials of taking on a business that has been steered by the same leadership for decades. Saitoh became president of Shin-Etsu Chemical in 2016, with the tricky task of helping the company transition from the leadership of chairman Chihiro Kanagawa, who is in his nineties. The laconic executive said the most important lesson he has learned in business is “to keep learning – and that there is no end of learning.” He achieves this partly through collaboration with external partners, a strategy shared by Christophe Weber, president and chief executive at Takeda.


The pandemic has pushed this year’s All-Japan Executive Team to develop new approaches to the way their staff work. Nagamori said Nidec is changing its approach to management, including introducing evaluations based on performance. Weber, meanwhile, said the pandemic has spurred Takeda to find innovative solutions to how and where its staff work. The company has developed a hybrid working model for the return to the office, involving a mix of in-person and virtual working and more flexibility. “We believe that this will allow us to truly build a working culture that is more agile, collaborative and with greater productivity and efficiency,” Weber said.

Shigenobu Nagamori, Nidec

What was the greatest challenge for your sector this year?


What was the toughest decision you made in the last year?

Change of management system to top-down decision making. The collective leadership system deployed from 2018 was slow in decisions and brought stagnation of earnings. From 2020, Nidec is back to a top-down management system [with the CEO and chief operating officer Seki serving as the two heads] and earnings are back to a growth trend.


Although it's not “unexpected,” the wave of electrification of automobiles is happening 10 years later than expected. As Nidec had already prepared for the wave, the company becomes a pioneer of E-Axle in the industry.

How is your company innovating?

Nidec’s innovations come from the endless efforts to find “three news,” meaning new products, new markets, and new customers. Recent examples of “three news” are the motors for mini EVs, E-Motorcycle, E-Scooter, and E-Bike. These products at new markets are expected to launch within 2021.

What's the most important lesson you have learned in your career?

“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die,” meaning company always needs to transform. Nidec keeps transforming by introducing a new personnel system, [with] performance committed evaluations and job specified contracts, and promoting digital transformation in 2021.

Yasuhiko Saitoh, Shi-Etsu Chemical

What was the greatest challenge for your sector this year?


What was the toughest decision you made in the last year?


How is your company innovating?

Through close working relationships with key customers and various collaborations with innovative organizations.

What's the most important lesson you have learned in your career?


Christophe Weber, Takeda

What was the greatest challenge for your sector this year?



What was the toughest decision you made in the last year?


This year, for example, Takeda has continued to execute on its strategy of divesting non-core assets in order to focus resources on our five key business areas. Sometimes this involves divesting brands that have played a key role in Takeda’s history, such as our consumer healthcare business in Japan. As an R&D-driven company committed to transforming science into life-changing medicines, we must sharpen our focus in the key business areas where we are globally competitive and can deliver the most value to patients.

Our values of Takeda-ism (integrity, honesty, perseverance, fairness) and patient-trust-reputation-business always guide our decision-making. These values underscore the importance of putting the patient at the center of everything we do, which is important now more than ever. These are the values that have helped guide us in our decisions during the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the past year and also ensure we stay aligned to our business strategy that will ultimately help us deliver growth and continued transformation.


If the global Covid-19 pandemic taught us anything, it’s that speed in R&D can be achieved through effective collaboration and partnerships. I’m proud of how the biopharmaceutical industry mobilized to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. For the better part of the last year, biopharmaceutical researchers and scientists have been working around the clock to develop therapies and vaccines to fight the virus.

The level of collaboration we are seeing right now during the Covid-19 pandemic might be unprecedented for our industry, but it is not unprecedented for Takeda. We realized a long time ago that collaboration between different stakeholders can help us shorten the amount of time it takes to develop and bring life-saving treatments and therapies to patients around the world. That is why we actively engage in R&D collaborations and source innovation wherever it occurs. Partnerships like these have also been a critical part of our role in combating the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, our teams across Takeda have come together in a variety of ways to look at opportunities with academia, industry, and governments. This includes investigating ways to repurpose marketed products and programs in development as potential treatments, researching novel approaches to treating future pandemics, data sharing initiatives, and participating in industry-wide collaborations. For example, we helped co-found the Covid R&D Alliance and the CoVIg-19 Plasma Alliance, and in addition, joined other alliances and partnerships including the Innovative Medicines Initiative CARE consortium and the Accelerating Covid-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines partnership. We are also providing manufacturing support to help enable rapid and sustained access to Covid-19 vaccines worldwide.

此外,我们的工作方式长期以来一直转变,主要加速了技术的应用。由于Covid-19大流行,这只能进一步快速跟踪,因为许多经验首次在首次在远程工作。作为数字技术,机器学习和AI继续发展,企业及其员工需要保持步伐。Over the next several years, we anticipate creating hundreds of new jobs in specialized roles in emerging data and digital fields, accessing new talent pools, and upskilling thousands of existing employees to propel [Takeda’s] data and digital capabilities to deliver transformative therapies and better experiences to patients, physicians, and payers faster than previously possible.

How is your company innovating?

As a values-based and R&D-driven biopharmaceutical company celebrating 240 years this summer, we remain focused on continuing to bring life-transforming treatments to patients worldwide by delivering on our highly innovative pipeline and our continued commitment to patients, our people, and the planet. We have built and prioritized a world-class, state-of-the-art, externally-facing R&D engine that has generated an innovative and modality-diverse pipeline of approximately 40 clinical-stage new molecular entities (NMEs). We have also forged new teams and collaborations to help enable this innovation swiftly and efficiently. Altogether this is helping us to bring better health for patients and a brighter future for the world.


除了Wave 1管道之外,我们的研究发动机包括内部研究能力和200多个积极伙伴关系,正在迅速推进我们管道的波浪2中的下一代疗法稳定,将在2025财年及以后提供持续增长。完全,我们的研发方法有可能在未来十年的收入增长大大贡献,其中大多数收入增长预计来自我们的波浪1管道以及我们现有的14个全球品牌。

Further, it’s important to understand that we are committed to ensuring patient access to these transformational therapies. Our R&D model is just not as meaningful if patients can’t access these new, important therapies.

What's the most important lesson you have learned in your career?

I have learned many important lessons throughout my career that have helped me grow and become the leader and person I am today. For example, I’ve had the privilege to work in many different countries with colleagues from a variety of backgrounds. Lessons learned from those unique experiences have helped me foster a values-based culture at Takeda where we strive to have a workforce as diverse as the communities and patients we serve. In fact, my own executive team is quite diverse and I believe we are stronger as a company because of it.


此外,在我们的行业,我们也体验问uite a bit of setbacks or failures — it’s the nature of R&D. We know that not every molecule we study will ultimately become a successful treatment; however we learn a tremendous amount, and sometimes more, from failed research than from those treatments that eventually make it to market. This is where resilience is critical because it can be easy when faced with adversity to quit. At Takeda, we really strive to create a culture that encourages innovation and to do that, you sometimes need to fail fast to learn but you also must possess the resilience to move forward.