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马来西亚主权发展基金的名字Khazanah Nasional直接翻译成“国宝”。它之所以这样命名,是因为这个国家喜欢尼古拉斯·凯奇和他的印第安纳·琼斯模仿电影等等。。。等等,那是什么?哦,好吧,我就是这么想的。我被告知这个信息是不正确的。。。。结果没人喜欢那些电影。


I think Khazanah is thus quite an interesting organization. It fits the description of a “dual mandate” investor, which I’ve been talking about in some recent posts (see,). And, what’s more, the SDF has managed to generate an 11.6% annualized return over the past decade, which is nothing to sneeze at. As such, I’d like to dig in for a second on the structure and strategy of the fund to figure out how it does what it does. Here’s some blurbage最新年报:

“作为一个积极的战略投资者,我们致力于在我们所做的一切中创造可持续的价值,提高国家竞争力,培养高绩效文化,这是我们的使命所支撑的。”亚慱体育app怎么下载 “长期战略投资者拥有更长的视野和更高的风险偏好,以影响经济结构变化,促进新的投资,并开发新的增长领域。” “我们有一个积极的投资风格,包括管理我们现有的投资,并通过普特拉贾亚GLC高绩效委员会(PCG)推动GLC转型计划。我们寻求新的经济投资和行业,以及被视为对马来西亚未来重要的新地理位置。”


“我们积极发挥股东的作用,积极主动地与这些公司合作,并在必要时为它们提供支持,使它们有更坚实的基础,并帮助它们确定战略方向。我们还致力于重组工作,在这种情况下,我们可以释放我们核心投资的价值和潜力,推动我们的被投资公司争取市场领导地位,帮助这些“本地冠军”探索区域增长战略,争取成为区域和全球冠军。”我发现有趣的执行fund’s investment strategy is how closely it seems to parallel the “operating partner” model of today’s private equity firms. Indeed, there is an explicit focus within Khazanah to take an active role in the companies, even ensuring that the companies hire “...professional, capable, and experienced board of directors and senior management team.” The SDF also pushes their portfolio companies to upgrade their systems and controls, even helping to put “...key systems and controls in place to underwrite growth and value creation through governance, risk management, performance management, talent management, procurement, internal audit, and investor relations.” Moreover, Khazanah will get involved in the structuring of the companies and even dig into the details of performance monitoring through KPis.

