

瑞银,领导者亚博赞助欧冠'2015年All-Europe Research Team那is certainly no stranger to this particular winner’s circle. The Swiss financial services firm has上名单17次- 汇率近三倍,汇丰银行截至六次最多的团队胜利,六。美国银行Merrill Lynch和Deutsche Bank每次赢得了三次上面的顶部位置,而瑞士信贷已经带领阵容。

今年标志着排名的30周年。为了纪念这一里程碑,我们从过去三十年中汇总了数据,以确定哪些公司和分析师已经积累了最多的出场。令人惊讶的是,鉴于它带领球队的频率,瑞银是冠军,共有1,345个职位。BOFA Merrill排名第二,拥有784名,其次是信用瑞士,724人。

查看过去的30家成为射击30是的rs, click on领导人1986-2015。请注意:每个银行的总数包括通过合并或收购所吸收的前身公司赢得的职位。例如,瑞银的记录包括S.G. Warburg;汇丰银行包括James Capel&Co.的等。

在个人中,帕特里克惠灵顿的名字最常见于 - 28次 - 作为独奏分析师或作为船员的领导者或联合领袖。他于1989年在全欧洲研究团队中首次推出,代表县纳特韦斯证券(现已成为苏格兰皇家银行)的电气/电子产品。三年后,他将该部门推出,迄今为止第一个第一次出场。“他善于召唤股票,他知道如何销售一个故事,”一名调查参与者告诉IIin 1992.

自2005年以来,惠灵顿已经领导或联合主导的摩根斯坦利的媒体团队,这是今年第二位的媒体团队。他是2015年的十几个分析师之一,他们也是30的结果analysts who have made the most appearances在过去的30年里。其他人和他们目前监督的团队是:

* Andrew Crean of Autonomous Research, runner-up in Insurance;

* Richard Edwards of Citi, third place in Retailing/General;

* Alan Erskine of UBS, third place in Food Producers;

* Andrew Garthwaite信用瑞士,第二名股权战略;

* Andrew Hughes of UBS, runner-up in Retailing/General;

* Jonathan Leinster of UBS, second place in Tobacco;


* Charles Mills of Credit Suisse, runner-up in Food Producers;

* Ian Shackleton of Nomura International, runner-up in Beverages;

* Andrew Stott of Bank of America Merrill Lynch, second place in Chemicals; and



木材也持有大多数初始外观的记录。He debuted at No. 1 in Food Producers in 2004 and has captured the sector’s top spot every year since, with one exception: His squad slipped to second place in 2009. He has also ranked in Household & Personal Care Products, as either a solo analyst or team leader, every year since 2007 — and this year marks his sixth straight visit to the winner’s circle in that sector too. “He is the rare sell-sider who has conviction,” one money manager toldII2010年,首次木材同时配备两个扇区。




* Diutsche Bank的Timothy Jones,化学品;

* Michael Jüngling of Morgan Stanley, Medical Technologies & Services;

* Andreas Neubauer of Deutsche Bank, Germany; and

* Sanford C. Bernstein,Autos&Auto Parts的Max Warburton。

点击Most First-Place Team Leader Appearances 1986–2015to view the full list of analysts who have amassed at least seven sector-topping appearances to date.

The All-Europe Research Team grew out of All-British Research Team, whichII首次发表于1986年1月。

詹姆斯卡普尔&&Co.赢得了就职名册上的顶部位置;其分析师在调查的37个类别中获得了29个分析,这些产品产生了可发布的结果。Scrimgeour Vickers&Co.的第二个职位,其次是Phillips&Drew的26个职位,19.调查结果基于购买侧分析师和投资专业人士的回应,在大约200个领先的U.. Money Management组织。

Interestingly, not a single sell-side firm that appeared on the first All-British Research Team exists today; all have been absorbed by much larger entities.

James Capel led the lineup for the first six years before being unseated by S.G. Warburg in 1992, the year the survey was expanded to include continental Europe and the formula changed from individual-based to reflect team-based coverage of the investment categories.

目前的调查涵盖了45个部门,分为三个广泛的覆盖范围:行业,国家和地区和经济学和战略。当每个类别的结果独立观看时,瑞银在行业中的第1名,并在国家和地区与德意志银行分享顶部点,而J.P.摩根Cazenove声称第一名经济学和战略。2015年All-Europe Research Team在775名机构中反映了超过2,040亿金钱经理的意见,这些机构在欧洲股票估计为6.2万亿美元。