

选择成员亚博赞助欧冠’s second annual ranking of Europe’s Best Analyst Days, we invited buy-side analysts, money managers and sell-side researchers who participated in the 2016 All-Europe Executive Team survey to name up to four companies that they feel host the most constructive analyst-investor events. We received responses from 1,128 investment professionals at 386 financial services firms. Roughly 68 percent of the people who cast votes in the executive team survey, representing 68 percent of the participating institutions, answered our question about most constructive analyst days. Respondents from the buy side work at firms that collectively manage some $3.8 trillion in European equities.


2016年欧洲最佳分析师日份名单由助理编辑Elgin股份编制,ZhieS研究人员Leo Kushnir和Danielle Trent援助。