
名人堂17 -乔治·斯塔福斯

乔治•斯塔福斯(George Staphos)表示:“我或许可以在一个更吸引人的行业赚更多的钱,但我与制造业有着内在的联系,最终选择将范围缩小到包装行业。”尽管一些分析师可能会关注这个行业,只看到气泡包装、塑料袋和纸板箱等普通产品,但这位46岁的分析师看到了潜在的阿尔法效应——“如果你知道在哪能找到的话。”正如基金经理可以证明的那样,他确实做到了。自1993年Staphos在Paine Webber任职以来,他们已经21次投票将Staphos选入全美纸包装研究团队(以及之前的行业),直到今年他代表美国银行美林全球研究(BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research)进行排名。他曾12次荣登榜首。Staphos在哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia Business School)获得MBA学位,然后于1985年在Paine Webber开始职业生涯。他从人力资源部门做起,从研究助理到高级分析师,负责包装和包装食品方面的工作。1998年,他跳槽到所罗门美邦(Salomon Smith Barney),开始专注于前者。他解释说:“从职业的角度来看,我做过的最重要的决定是在20世纪90年代末取消对食品库存的报道。”“虽然我喜欢报道这一群体,但客户与包装的重叠部分相对较小。 By focusing solely on packaging, I was able to increase my institutional market share, ultimately becoming No. 1–ranked in packaging in 1999.” Staphos held that position for four consecutive years. He slipped to second place in 2003, as he was making the move to Banc of America Securities, where he expanded his coverage to include forest products — something he sees as an extension of packaging rather than a distraction, as the packaged-food companies had been. “Why would I need to go to anyone else?” one money manager asked Institutional Investor in 2006. Staphos is noted for his humor. He advised clients to buy Owens-Illinois in February 2004 after the Toledo, Ohio–based container manufacturer unveiled plans to acquire Paris-based BSN Glasspack; the acquisition made the U.S. company the largest glass-container maker in Europe. When the stock failed to meet expectations, at least in the near term, he kept portfolio managers abreast of developments with reports titled “Is it ‘1996’ Yet?” and “Two Years Down the Road and ‘Nuthin’?”

