

Amid growing social protests, street blockades and violence, a death threat told me it was time to leave a country I had called home.

It was 8 a.m. on March 11 when I was awoken by a call on my cell phone. “Is that Mr. Mitchell?” a man asked, in Spanish. Yes, I said. In a serious voice, the man told me he was calling on behalf of the local commander of the regional paramilitary force. His boss was afraid that a group of people wanted to harm me. His chief could protect me, the man said, if I handed over 100,000 bolivares ($15,900 at the official exchange rate, $1,540 at the black market rate). To rub in the gravity of the threat, he proceeded to tell me a series of intimate details about me that only a tiny number of people know. Shaken, I put the phone down.



尽管从勒索者中获得另外五个电话,但我试图在一天内保持冷静,没有那么我回答。那天晚上我和朋友一起去了Mérida最好的餐厅,La Chistorra。旅程通常只需10分钟即可到达我的公寓,但这个夜晚花了45分钟。

Mérida is at the center of opposition protests against the government of Nicolás Maduro, who took over as president in April 2013 after the death of his predecessor and mentor, Hugo Chávez. The protests are being led by students who have erected barricades that block two of the city’s main thoroughfares, Los Próceres and Las Américas. The resulting traffic jams are terrible.



里卡多反对这一点。在委内瑞拉,他说,生命值得一点,警察很可能什么都不做 - 即,如果他们没有犯罪分子。我倾向于同意。两年半前,四个朋友和我被公寓里的两个武装人员殴打并被抢劫;警察没有什么可以调查。

For me, the extortion threat was the last straw. I knew Latin America well. I had already spent seven and half years living in Buenos Aires and one year in Santiago. When I first moved to Mérida, I fell in love with the place. It is a university city with 70,000 students, located in a stunning lush green valley. I entered a relationship quickly and made many friends. Most Venezuelan people are extraordinarily warm and charming and exhibit a Caribbean love of life. I thought I would spend many years living there.


逃避就是我所做的。在3月13日,在第一个电话后两天,与勒索者的进一步接到勒索者的一个呼叫进一步,我的朋友里卡多和我打包了我们的包,并乘坐了一家由里卡多家庭拥有的农舍,默德达郊外两个小时。第二天,我们从埃尔维亚岛的当地机场飞往首都加拉加斯。星期六,我们逃出了这个国家,不知道什么时候 - 或者 - 我们将返回。

During the past few weeks, I had started to seriously question whether I could continue living in Venezuela. On return from a trip to Colombia at the start of February to report astory for亚博赞助欧冠,我发现了Mérida处于动荡状态。那一周的学生演示在圣克丽可人在一个学生的强奸之后抗议警察的抗议,曾在全国各地引发了更广泛的抗议活动,特别是在反对派股,如Mérida,瓦伦西亚市和瓦拉斯市和马拉卡巴的部分地区。

From the balcony of my apartment in the center of Mérida, I witnessed a confrontation between students and the police, with students hurling rocks and the police responding by firing tear gas.

学生们已经建立了由城市中产阶级地区的闷烧轮胎和树枝制成的路障,只需十分钟即可从我住的地方。学生们说他们正在保护社区Tupamaros或者colectivos那groups of paramilitary vigilantes on motorbikes whom Chávez had promoted as a vanguard of the so-called Bolivarian revolution.

就在我从哥伦比亚回来之后,当一群大约100人骑过我的建筑物穿着巴拉克拉瓦斯和空中挥舞着枪时,我目睹了这些警惕的威胁。当我和朋友一起看时,他们中的一个拍摄了我的阳台。许多反对派支持者说colectivosare employed by the state to terrorize and repress them, like the Basij in Iran.

Two weeks ago, on the back of a motorbike taxi, I visited the barricades on Los Próceres and was shocked by the eerie silence and the sense of desolation and terror. It was no longer clear whether those manning the barricades were students in balaclavas or mercenaries of some kind. We had to pay a small sum to get past one of the barricades, which I understand increases to around 200 bolivares for residents seeking passage in the early hours of the morning.

On March 9 Mérida was in a state of shock after Gisela Rubilar, a 47-year-old Chilean woman studying at the University of Mérida, was shot dead trying to clear a barricade near her home on Las Américas. She was an ardent Chavista who was fed up with the blockade disrupting her life.

我问了一个朋友,在LasAméricas上生活的英国教授,无论她是否喜欢障碍物的存在。经过片刻的暂停,她说如果他们仍然会更好。她担心的是colectivos可能会突破并抢劫居民,2月份在该市的另一部分已经发生的东西。然而,像许多年轻的委内瑞拉人一样,她只是想要“出来”的;她正在考虑搬到哥伦比亚的资本波哥大那where she has relatives. I feel sorry for her, being cooped up in her apartment in the evenings with fear. Every night there are running battles betweencolectivoson motorbikes and the people manning the barricades; often both groups are armed.

在3月9日星期六的早晨,在我收到敲诈勒索的三天,两个朋友 - 英国男子和委内瑞拉女人 - 被一群六个年轻的暴徒靠近我的大楼袭击。那个男人能够抵挡其中三个,但他们与女人的钱包和智能手机一起逃脱,减少了她的眼泪。可悲的是,这已成为这座城市的全面普遍出现。

现在,我已经决定,我再也不能活了in Venezuela, one of the world’s most dangerous countries. According to the委内瑞拉n Violence Observatory是一个非政府组织,去年有24,763名谋杀案,或者每100,000名居民都有79名谋杀症。政府已经停止出版官方数据,这一情况恶化了几年前。



Last week I spent a morning going to seven stores just to find shampoo. People line up for two or three blocks just to obtain the ingredients to make their belovedarepa,由地面玉米面团或熟面粉制成的扁面包。在梅尔纳,政府补贴的公共杂货店,食品价格极为便宜,但这些线路使得人们必须花一个整个早晨排队来获得产品。



It didn’t have to be this way. Venezuela is a country of outstanding natural beauty, tremendous resource wealth and a population of 30 million people, the fifth largest in Latin America. It should be one of the most prosperous countries in the region. Instead, it appears on course to becoming a failed state.

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