在Citigroup总部在纽约,压力测试,资本和杠杆议程上很高。在Citi Ventures的Palo Alto,加利福尼亚州Palo Alto的指标是不同的,这是1.9万亿美元的银行业公司的战略投资单位和窗户,所有事情都出现和破坏。为了了解未来是要了解球员:去年CITI Ventures记录了1,000次会议 - 超过2012年 - 审查了620件初创企业并投资八。“The level of disruption is profound and pervasive and reaching across every industry,” says CEO Deborah Hopkins, a veteran technology and strategy executive who established the Silicon Valley outpost in 2010 and has been Citigroup’s chief innovation officer since 2008. “A big part of what our team is now focused on is helping our businesses understand all that and synthesize it into actionable insights.” Recent portfolio investments Ayasdi, Datameer and Platfora have the big-data-analytics theme in common. Among other holdings: e-payments sensation Square. Citi offers “companies that have potential for scale” what conventional venture firms cannot by “moving them into proof of concept and hopefully commercialization,” Hopkins, 59, explains. In her spare time she hosts events to promote women’s entrepreneurship, part of a personal campaign: “We’re looking to figure out how to change numbers that are staggeringly small.”