



投资主题 - 购买基于中国以外的公司,但在该国的影响轨道上 - 仍然有效,但其性质急剧变化。专家警告称,作为中国繁荣的精髓,从高资本支出到高消费支出驱动的高资本支出,制度投资者使中国扮演的机构投资者将不得不将钱放在非常不同的部门。亚博赞助欧冠

在过去十年中,一个不成比例的切片China现象迅速的经济增长来自固定资产的陡峭投资。国际投资者和中国政府本身都意识到这是不可持续的。例如,“2011年,中国在2011年和2012年消耗了更多的水泥,而不是美国在过去的一百年中,”新加坡曼德邦银行的Ashley Davies,经济学家和战略家。“非常困难地证明这么多的使用。这意味着在中国举行过度投资。“然而,与许多经济学家一样,戴维斯认为,上升的工资将使中国的家庭消费高,超越该国国内生产总值的未来增长。他估计,未来几年,中国的实际消费增长可能高达10%。

戴维斯说,亚太地区的旅游业,将从中国高度消费者支出中受益匪浅。他特别指的是在包括新加坡在内的各种亚太国家的游戏中的繁荣。但戴维斯也指出了更多的文字意义上的消费量。对于初学者来说,中国中产阶级越来越多地喜欢从澳大利亚和新西兰进口的牛肉和乳制品。几家澳大利亚人一直在加强,以满足这种新发现的渴望和供应牛,向中国市场提供了几个澳大利亚人,包括矿业公司汉考尔展望的执行董事长Gina Rinehart,以及她的采矿巨头安德鲁·阿德鲁斯·安德鲁·福尔德该货币对使铁矿石提供给中国的基础设施建设繁荣;他们的转向提供食品整齐地说明了国家提供的机会变化。

一些投资者认为机会在消费者electronics industries in China’s neighbors. Emil Wolter, portfolio manager of the €2.9 billion ($3.9 billion) Magellan emerging-markets fund at Paris-based asset management firm Comgest, says his fund has invested in MediaTek, a Taiwanese electronics manufacturer that has half the market in the chips used in the cheaper smartphones sold in China. At 498 Taiwan new dollars ($16.59), MediaTek shares are up 38 percent this year. Also quite popular in China are South Korean consumer electronics and cars, notes Commerzbank’s Davies.

Analysts note that in some ways South Korea sits in a sweet spot when it comes to the expansion of Chinese consumer demand because it meets two criteria. Many wealthier Chinese consumers are looking for trusted, high-quality foreign brands — a search intensified by recent scandals involving domestically made products. Second, Chinese consumers are sometimes reluctant to buy goods made in countries with which China has a troubled history, such as Japan. “There isn’t the same historical baggage between Korea and China as there is between Japan and China,” says Davies. He draws attention to the strikingly high ratio of South Korean to Japanese cars on Chinese roads.

But Genzo Kimura, Tokyo-based economist at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, which with assets under management of $474 billion is Japan’s largest asset management firm, thinks Chinese consumers will buy a product if it’s sufficiently enticing — or if the Chinese alternative is sufficiently unenticing. Kimura cites the example of Japanese baby-product company Pigeon Corp: Responding to reports that domestic baby formula was contaminated, many Chinese mothers traveled to Japan to buy Pigeon’s baby formula. The company reacted by ramping up its business in China. At ¥5,900 ($57.51) its shares are up 28 percent on the year. Also expanding its Chinese footprint is Japanese retailer AEON Co., despite facing difficulty following demonstrations in China in 2012 in connection with the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyudao Islands, an uninhabited archipelago in the East China Sea to which both countries, as well as Taiwan, lay claim. AEON’s share price is currently down 11 percent on the year at ¥1,186, although the company plans to open more Chinese locations. This, Kimura says, is “a further indication of demand in the country for high-quality Japanese goods.”


印度的Tata Motors采用了与欧洲汽车制造商的联系来破解中国的奢侈品市场。它的捷豹土地罗弗附属公司在中国的营业利润超过了一半以上,Notes最新的Wolter,他的麦哲伦基金投资了塔塔。塔塔电机在454卢比上涨了53%(7.46美元)。鉴于亚洲新兴市场的经济力量不断增长,基于这些经济体的公司越来越容易购买中国消费者这么多的西方品牌。

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