

这位达拉斯小牛队的老板开发了一款名为“网络灰尘”(Cyber Dust)的消失信息应用程序,他认为这将有助于企业避免监管机构不必要的入侵。


But now Cuban is back with a messaging app that he says has the potential to make the work of financial prosecutors that much more difficult.

Cuban’s experience of the SEC case, in which the regulator claimed he traded on nonpublic information to sell shares he owned in Canadian Internet companyMamma.com并避免亏损750000美元,启发他发射mobile phone app网络尘埃in April. Messages sent via Cyber Dust disappear after 24 seconds of being read and are not stored anywhere on the company’s servers, according to Cuban, who is bullish on the potential of disappearing message apps for a business audience — a key point of difference with rival service阅后即焚它自2011年底推出以来,主要受到13-24岁人群的欢迎。

But ask him whether he’s built an app to facilitate insider trading, and Cuban is more defensive. “How many traders, of all traders in the universe, have any insider information available to them?” he asked in an interview with亚博赞助欧冠上周晚些时候在“网络尘埃”上进行的(所有信息的截图都是经过库班许可拍摄的)。亚博赞助欧冠我们假设这是一个很小的数字——像这样的应用程序难道不会让他们更容易传递内部信息而不易被发现吗?”


But doesn’t that imply the app will appeal most to those engaging in legally questionable activity? Why would anyone engaging in communication for legitimate, lawful business purposes ever want their messages to disappear? Cuban’s response: “Are you serious?”


The 56-year-old, who came to national prominence in 1999 when he sold Broadcast.com to Yahoo for $5.7 billion, is a judge on the investment reality TV show鲨鱼缸.但是,尽管他已经证明了自己的商业头脑,但以允许用户避免被发现为基础来销售产品似乎是一种奇怪的想法——特别是对于那些坚持自己对SEC指控他的非法活动无罪的人来说,他依靠包括发现过程在内的常规法律渠道来证明自己的立场是正确的。


库班说,该应用程序于今年4月推出,目前“接近100万用户”,远低于据报道活跃在Snapchat上的1亿用户。最近,总部位于加利福尼亚州门洛帕克的风险投资公司Kleiner Perkins Caufield&Byers投资了2000万美元,Snapchat目前的估值接近100亿美元。但他对“网络灰尘”只是一个不太成功的模仿版Snapchat的说法不屑一顾,因为它只适合25岁以上的人。“我们是内容的键盘;他们是孩子们的蜡笔,”他说,他指的是Cyber Dust用户首先登陆的是键盘信息屏幕,而不是Snapchatters登陆屏幕的蜡笔增强照片屏幕。他说,网络灰尘“降低了风险”,“提高了非侵入式发送业务信息的能力”

Cuban is not the only entrepreneur developing mobile apps designed to allow business users to limit the legal intrusions of government. Australian law firm Clayton Utz, for instance, last month released itsDawn Raid app,它为企业提供了一个逐步移动手册,说明在警察、税务机关或反垄断和证券监管机构的突袭中如何行动。不过,尽管数百家企业在发布后一天内就下载了这家律师事务所的应用程序,但鉴于许多企业面临的法规遵从性和记录保存要求,目前尚不清楚消失的消息应用程序是否会为合法的商业目的流行起来。

Cuban seems happy with that, despite a plan to introduce “commercial versions” of the app, which will, he says, make the user base “grow virally.” Asked whether he had any idea of how many of the app’s near-million users were on Cyber Dust for business reasons, Cuban replied, “No idea. We keep no data.”

在Twitter上关注Aaron Timms@阿朗蒂姆斯.

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