

亿万富翁古巴鞭打他的移动应用程序;对冲基金经理John Ho在阿里巴巴的IPO中获得大;DJTiësto返回在线音乐冒险。


这不像马克古巴避免敏捷。但这就是Dallas Mavericks NBA团队声称他想帮助人们与网络尘埃进行帮助,这是一个移动消息传递应用程序,这是一个让文本在读取的24秒内消失的移动消息。56,古巴人去年被清除了内幕交易费用,但他在4月推出的应用程序与促进非法活动无关;相反,它是关于帮助诉讼密集型企业避免发现的负担。“你节省了很多时间和金钱,因为这里没有发送或收到的东西是可被发现的,”他争辩。根据古巴,网络尘埃接近100万用户,搭配竞争对手App Snapchat的100万。如果网络粉尘赶上,需要有很多人希望减少发现成本。- Aaron Timms(@aarontimms.

Minerva Tantoco:技术支持者

如果Minerva Tantoco.成功作为纽约首次首席技术官,这座城市可能成为硅谷的竞争者。Previously based in Hong Kong as Asia-Pacific head of client-facing technology and innovation for UBS, the Queens native has returned home in a bid to transform old Gotham, with its spotty public Wi-Fi, into the innovation hub it’s been trying to become for the past decade and a half. Tantoco, 49, who has said she likes it when people describe her as “badass,” knows how to create from scratch: She holds four patents, in artificial intelligence and loan application processing, and worked at a software start-up early in her career. The alum of Merrill Lynch, where she oversaw a redesign of the data warehouse for the investment banking division, smartphone maker Palm and advertising giant Grey champions mobile technology, partly because it can give women more flexibility in juggling work and family. At UBS she led a shift to mobile. “Thinking back to what drew me to technology, it was its ability to transform and empower and, ultimately, drive change in all aspects of life,” Tantoco said when New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced her appointment last month.- Jan Alexander(@jananyc.


教育禀赋世界终于呼气。9月24日,经过三个月的争夺后,哈佛管理有限公司介绍了斯蒂芬拜星作为该大学的下一个总统兼首席执行官364亿美元捐赠。这个消息跟着Jane Mendillo的惊喜6月宣布,她在年底从帖子退休。Now head of public markets, Blyth, 46, will inherit a very different role from the damage-control one that Mendillo assumed six years ago by taking over in 2008 at the height of the financial crisis, which saw the world’s largest endowment lose an unprecedented $10 billion. HMC grew by $3.7 billion for the fiscal year ended June 30 but remains $500 million short of its precrisis peak. U.K. native Blyth, who holds a Ph.D. in statistics from Harvard and teaches as a statistics professor there, was head of the interest rate group at Morgan Stanley and led the global rates proprietary trading group at Deutsche Bank before joining HMC in 2006. He backs Mendillo’s somewhat controversial management philosophy, which involves heavy investments in alternatives and paltry allocations to equities.- Georgina Hurst.@ghurst_iimag.


Thanks to their $1.7 billion private placement with Alibaba Group in 2012, a small group of sovereign wealth funds, asset managers and hedge funds tripled their money after the Chinese e-commerce conglomerate’s record-breaking $25 billion IPO on the New York Stock Exchange last month. Among them: Janchor Partners, the Hong Kong–based hedge fund firm founded by CIO约翰何已收获4亿美元加上的意外收获,将资产推至约24亿美元。Ho, 37, spent five years running the Asian operations of The Children’s Investment Fund Management, Chris Hohn’s London-based hedge fund firm, before launching Janchor in 2009. His secretive outfit invested about $150 million of its then $1 billion in assets in the Alibaba private placement, according to sources. Famous for his winning bets, Ho reportedly launched Janchor with just $40 million. Raised in Hong Kong and educated in Australia, he began his career in Chicago at Citadel, the hedge fund giant founded by Ken Griffin.- Allen T. Cheng(@ Acheng87.

Money SpinnerTiësto.

通常,时间Tiësto.得到一些抽水,这是成千上万的拳头搬到他捶击恍惚音乐节拍。现在苏克斯荷兰人DJ出生于Tijs Michiel Verwest,正在为混合添加风险投资。45岁的Tiësto最近参加了450万美元的融资,用于纽约,总部位于纽约,有一批由旧金山风险投资公司真正的企业的投资者,包括纽约的联盟广场风险投资Steve Angello(原名瑞典房屋黑手党)和贾斯汀比伯经理滑板车布朗。拼接是一种基于云的音乐创建平台,让多个用户在轨道上协作,彼此留下备注并标记其更改。该项目包括9月17日发布的资金,该系列筹集了750万美元。- Anne Szustek(@ the59thstbridge.

David Adelman's Smokin'热促销

摩根士丹利烟草分析师David Adelman.职业生涯真的很闪绿 - 他刚刚敲击了对美洲的直接股权研究。纽约长岛,原生取代斯蒂芬佩威尔,谁将监督该公司的北美股票选择委员会。47岁的阿德尔曼于1990年在迪恩·斯坦利于1997年获得了1990年,同年,分析师在机构投资者的全美研究团队中首次亮相的同一年。亚博赞助欧冠阿德尔曼每年都制定了这支球队,而2012年,他在连续第十次将该部门推进后,他被融入了名人堂。摩根士丹利在今年的名单中排名第三,但阿德曼正在向他的竞争对手施加通知。“我相信,通过建立我们现有的发售和越来越多的客户焦点,”他说,“我们可以为甚至提供更高质量的研究产品和更好的服务客户” - 没有Ifs,Ands或Butts。- Thomas W. Johnson(@tjohnson_nyc.


电脑极客不得更正品马克斯(“缺口”)。2009年,波斯森推出了他的视频游戏MINECRAFT的第一版,其中玩家构建了类似于乐高的虚拟块的三维亚慱体育app结构和景观。截至9月15日以后,Microsoft的大约5400万份,Microsock of Monjang(瑞典为“小工具”),Minecraft的基于斯德哥尔摩的开发商,现金为25亿美元。Mojang将成为美国软件巨头的游戏工作室部门的一部分,并帮助构建其Xbox套件。代码战士佩尔森,35岁,谁创办了与瑞典人Carl Manneh和JakobPorsér的公司,已经厌倦了运行它。“有人想买我的Mojang份额,所以我可以继续我的生活吗?”他推特6月17日。在他的愿望被授予粉丝的一封信中,波尔森承认了,“我不是一个企业家,我不是首席执行官,我是一个喜欢在Twitter上有意见的书呆子电脑程序员。”在未来,他可能会更容易微软,偶尔是这些观点的目标。- 作为。
