



Egyptian authorities have invited the International Monetary Fund to come to the country and conduct a review of the economy, Egypt’s first since March 2010. The review is expected to pave the way for an IMF assistance package of upwards of $5 billion, according to Hisham Ramez, the governor of the Central Bank of Egypt. The IMF funds would replace billions in support that Egypt is repaying to Qatar, and help support the economic reform program of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb.


根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的《协议条款》(Article of Agreement)第四条,IMF成员国应该允许进行年度经济评估,但2011年埃及革命的动荡中断了常规磋商,穆尔西政府转而支持卡塔尔的资金,而卡塔尔的资金几乎没有附加任何政策条件。

Since Sisi won election as president this spring and appointed Mehleb as prime minister in June, however, Cairo has taken a sharp turn back toward policy orthodoxy.

7月份,政府突然削减了燃料补贴,将汽油价格升级超过70%,过夜,达到约1.90埃及磅,升(27美分,1升1加仑1美元)。Subsidies for fuel, food and other basic staples eat up nearly a quarter of Egypt’s government budget, and economists and organizations like the IMF have long urged Cairo to dismantle them as part of a reform program, but governments have shied away from the issue even since former President Anwar Sadat triggered bloody riots in 1977 by announcing plans to raise the price of flour.





In recent days the central bank has repaid $500 million in Qatari loans, and Ramez said the bank expects to repay the remaining $2.5 billion in loans when they come due on November 1. The move will dent the country’s reserves, which stood at $16.9 billion at the end of September, but Ramez expressed confidence that a rebound in foreign investment as well as IMF resources would shore up the country’s finances.



