

一个新的与recessi调情on in the euro area, and a lack of resolve to confront it, is undermining confidence in global markets.

Two years ago, Mario Draghi pulled Europe back from the brink of disaster by promising to do “whatever it takes” to prevent a breakup of the euro. The single currency has survived, but the bloc’s economy is deteriorating once again. What’s more, fears are building that Europe lacks the consensus and the tools to pull out of the slump, and that in turn is sending financial markets around the world into a tailspin.

The recent slide in global stock prices turned into a rout on Wednesday, with major European indexes falling around 3 percent and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index tumbling more than 3 percent at one stage before rallying late in the session. The yield on the U.S. Treasury’s benchmark ten-year note plunged an astonishing 33 basis points at one point — the biggest intraday move since the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings six years ago — and traded much of the day below 2 percent before recovering to stand at 2.13 percent late in the day, still the lowest level since June 2013.

Fresh U.S. data on Wednesday came in weaker than expected, with the government reporting small declines in U.S. producer prices (-0.1 percent) and retail sales (-0.3 percent) in September, but few analysts believe those numbers explain the severity of the market drop. Instead they say that rising concerns about Europe, which dominated conversations among financiers and policymakers at the annual国际货币基金组织世界银行会议上周末在华盛顿,油价下跌对全球复苏的信心并触发投资者的大量冒险。

“Sentiment was very negative at the IMF meetings,” says Alberto Ades, head of emerging markets fixed-income and currency strategy at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in New York. “Everyone was positioned for higher Treasury yields. Nobody had Treasury yields going down.”


Reza Moghadam, vice chairman of global capital markets at Morgan Stanley and former head of the IMF’s European Department, summed up the feeling of many. “Inflation is far too low and growth is even more disappointing,” he told a panel session at a gathering of the Institute of International Finance, held on the margins of the IMF meetings. “You are not seeing a pickup in demand or investment in Europe.”

Polled to identify the biggest threat to the global outlook, 46 percent of the crowd at the IIF meeting cited the risk of a European recession, compared with 23 percent who cited increasing geopolitical turmoil from Russia, 20 percent who pointed to a hard landing of the Chinese economy and 9 percent who identified美国债券市场的波动性

Europe’s weakness elicited a dovish response from Stanley Fischer, the vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, who said in a speech at the IMF meetings that “if foreign growth is weaker than anticipated, the consequences for the U.S. economy could lead the Fed to remove accommodation more slowly than otherwise.” Market participants who two weeks ago were speculating that the Fed could begin hiking rates as early as April 2015 are now pushing back their forecasts to September and even November of next year.

欧洲对美联储和美国的影响是压倒性的,争夺加拿大财富管理公司Gluskin Sheff + Associates的首席经济学家和战略家。“在今天的今天的水平上没有德国外滩收益率为0.85%,”没有办法,“周三为客户写信给客户。


IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard urged the euro leaders to boost investment in infrastructure, saying it would spur their economies in the short run and raise potential growth rates over the long term. Larry Summers, the Harvard economist and former U.S. Treasury secretary, endorsed that idea.

“What’s happening in Europe is not working,” he said at a panel on Europe at the IMF meetings. “What followed in Japan was 15 years of deflation and dismal economic performance, followed by dramatic declines in interest rates. That is the path that Europe is on without a substantial discontinuity in policy.”

Notwithstanding the recent slowdown, however, German officials continue to reject calls for fiscal stimulus and says Berlin will stick with plans to balance its federal budget in 2015. “We’re not going to help the German economy with some flashes in the pan and more debt,” economics minister Sigmar Gabriel said Tuesday in releasing the government’s latest growth forecast.

德国也继续要求遵守欧洲联盟的预算规则,本月晚些时候与法国建立潜在的冲突。EU governments submitted their proposed 2015 budgets to the European Commission on Wednesday, and the government of Prime Minister Manuel Valls is believed to have sent a plan envisaging a deficit of 4.3 percent of GDP, virtually unchanged from this year, and remaining above the EU’s 3 percent ceiling until 2017. Barring a sudden about-face in Berlin, the EC is duty-bound to reject the French budget and demand changes when it meets on October 29, raising political temperatures in Europe. That seems unlikely to boost confidence in France, which had its credit rating outlook lowered to negative by Standard & Poor’s last week.


一些银行家怀疑欧洲央行审查将对他们的业务和更广泛的经济进行宣泄效果。“它会在一夜之间改变吗?我怀疑意大利Unicredit的首席经济学家Erik Nielsen在周末告诉了一个IIF小组。“几乎没有对信贷的需求,因为公司没有看到对产品的需求。”


The big question facing global investors is whether Europe’s woes, and the resulting turmoil in global markets, will cause wider economic damage. Many economists remain relatively sanguine, at least for the moment. Economists at Barclays actually raised their forecast for third-quarter U.S. growth to an annual rate of 3 percent, up from 2.5 percent previously, because of strong business investment. Eric Chaney, chief economist at French insurer AXA, contended in a research note that recent payroll gains and strong corporate profits should sustain U.S. growth at a rate of 2.5 to 3 percent, and calls the sharp drop in Treasury yields an overreaction. But he noted that a sharp drop in German bond yields this summer presaged a subsequent deterioration in economic indicators there.

The markets seem to be of two minds, underscoring the growing anxiety. The U.S. stock market, even after its recent losses, is pricing in 3 percent U.S. economic growth, while the bond market is pricing in “a recession-like backdrop of 1 percent growth,” Gluskin Sheff’s Rosenberg wrote. “Both cannot be right.”

Follow Tom Buerkle on Twitter at@tombuerkle