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的spread of Ebola is a public health disaster for the West African countries at the heart of the crisis. As the human toll mounts and fears of contagion grow, Ebola poses a growing economic risk to West Africa and potentially to the global economy.

最近埃博拉疫情的悲惨丧失,患有4,447名死亡人员,另有8,900人被认为被感染为10月14日,是对当地非洲经济的破坏性。在三个艰难的国家的生产力和产出下降 - 塞拉利昂,利比里亚和几内亚 - 雇主暂停业务,雇主暂停业务,农民放弃了他们的田地,政府暂时接近区域间贸易。

的International Monetary Fund last week slashed its growth forecast for the region. It now expects Sierra Leone to expand by 8 percent this year, down from 11 percent; Guinea by 2.5 percent, down from 5.9 percent; and Liberia by 2.4 percent, down from 3.5 percent. The economic cost for West Africa could hit $32.6 billion by the end of 2015, according to the World Bank, if the epidemic isn’t contained quickly.

Ecobank Transnational, a pan-African bank based in the West African country of Togo, began stress testing its portfolio last week to assess the potential impact of the epidemic, said CEO Albert Essien. His big worry: Some international companies have begun pulling skilled personnel out of the region, which could cause output to decline at mining and other resource operations that are critical for local economies. “The whole economy is grinding to a halt” in the three countries at the source of the outbreak, he said in an interview in Washington last week. “People are not going to the market. They are not shopping.”



“Fear is a powerful motivator,” says Laura Seay, assistant professor of government at Maine’s Colby College, who specializes in the study of African politics, development and post–conflict state reconstruction. “It’s hard to avoid economic damage from a crisis like a major Ebola outbreak.”

摩洛哥当局上周呼吁推迟非洲国家,这个国家的足球比赛是由于埃博拉可能的可能传播令人担忧。Even companies that don’t conduct business in West Africa are questioning whether it’s safe to travel through major hub airports in Berlin, Paris and London, for instance, where connecting flights arrive from West Africa, says John Rose, COO of iJET International, a risk management consultant to the travel industry.




“The best antidote to fear is an effective ... and urgent response,” United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said last week at a Washington meeting on the Ebola crisis with Lagarde, World Bank president Jim Kim and the presidents of the three West African countries. “We need a twentyfold speed and resource mobilization.”


的economic outlook for the majority of sub-Saharan African states remains positive despite the difficulties in Ebola-infected economies, says Antoinette Sayeh, director of the IMF’s African Department. The Fund expects sub-Saharan Africa to be the second-fastest-growing region in the world, behind emerging Asia, with growth of 5 percent this year and 5.75 percent in 2015.

尽管如此,埃博拉的影响在金融市场的一部分中是明显的。在9月下旬,可可期货飙升至9月下旬的互联网通知,自2011年以来的最高水平,在10月17日退回至3,118美元之前 - 仍在今年增长17%。由Cote D'Ivoire领导的西非生产70%的全球可可供应。某些制药公司的股票在创建埃博拉疫苗的进展中取得了脱落。基于加拿大的药物制造商Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corp.的股票代价,其有前途的TKM-Ebola用于治疗美国传教士Richard Sacra,自9月初以来飙升了13.4%,而北卡罗来纳州的竞争对手Chimerix,使用其实验药物治疗邓肯,在同一时期举行了43%。

Major international carriers such as Emirates, British Airways and Air France, as well as regional African players Gambia Bird, Togo’s Asky Airlines and Nigeria’s Arik Air, have suspended flights to the region in the past three months and have seen their share prices take a roller coaster ride. U.S. airline stocks were hit on October 15 after news came out that Amber Joy Vinson, one of the infected nurses, had taken a flight from Ohio to Texas the day before being diagnosed with Ebola. American Airlines Group’s shares tumbled 4.5 percent that day, United Continental Holdings dropped 6.88 percent, and Delta Air Lines fell 3 percent; all three stocks recovered those losses by the end of the week.

的African continent at large is not immune to economic disruption. Travelers are canceling East African safaris thousands of miles away from the Ebola epicenter. In August, Korean Air Lines Co. announced the suspension of flights to Nairobi as a precaution, though Kenya has not reported a single case of Ebola to date. “That’s the kind of knee-jerk reaction you get from people who don’t really understand the region and see it as one big lump,” explains Yvonne Mhango, sub-Saharan Africa economist at Renaissance Capital.

Most analysts believe the risks of wider economic contagion are limited for now. “We haven’t seen any generalized market impact,” says Marvin Barth, European head of FX strategy at Barclays.

文艺复兴时期首都的MHANGO指出,几内亚,利比里亚和塞拉利昂有很多经济体,对更广阔的世界贸易联系很少。“通过旅游,旅游和贸易 - 三个主要影响经济渠道 - 我的印象是,埃博拉今天的影响是非常有限的,这就是为什么我们没有看到对全球金融市场的影响很大,”她断言。

Mhango’s biggest concern is the potential reversal of economic progress made by former conflict countries — Liberia and Sierra Leone in particular — since the beginning of the millennium. Both have made significant headway in fighting poverty and stabilizing their economies since their civil wars ended more than a decade ago, whereas Guinea has posted double-digit growth in recent years. Now these countries run the risk of rising poverty rates and depleted state coffers, she says, making it difficult for governments to maintain spending on education or to combat other diseases, like malaria.

“I don’t think we will see state failure or massive institutional collapse due to the Ebola epidemic, but there could definitely be political instability and even regime change in the medium to long run,” argues Colby’s Seay, who says it will take years to repair the economic and budgetary damage done by the outbreak. “That said, I also expect that donors, which already give large amounts of aid to Liberia and Sierra Leone, will commit additional resources to aid the governments with their budget shortfalls and other issues after the crisis is over,” she adds.

专家说,马里,科特迪瓦和几内亚比绍等邻国冒着埃博拉疫情的最大风险。这种疾病通过与受感染的个体的体液(如血液和唾液)的直接身体接触蔓延。MHANGO建议在受影响国家的劳动者和旅行者在国际航班被取消的地方,可以通过向邻国的道路乘坐航班。Seay表示与劳动力相关的季节性跨境迁移需要UPS风险。该地区遭受了薄弱的公共卫生系统,使其特别难以抑制任何爆发。也就是说,埃博拉比疟疾等疾病更难以收缩。“这一流行病已经失控了六个月,它没有在塞拉利昂,利比里亚和几内亚以外传播,”Seay Notes。

进步在尼日利亚和塞内加尔是光明的。的two countries were quick to stamp out Ebola after the disease entered their borders in July and August, respectively. The WHO is expected to announce the end of the Ebola outbreak in Senegal on October 17 and in Nigeria on October 20, which would be the requisite 42 days — twice the virus’s incubation period — after the last reported incidence of the disease.


Ebola’s trajectory remains highly uncertain, though. The world has never dealt with an outbreak of this magnitude, and distrust of local governments and foreign health care workers is making it hard to assess the true scale of the epidemic and bring it under control.

If Ebola becomes a persistent threat, “it likely will have a persistent effect on global demand for travel and entertainment and will have a broader impact on global markets, as the potential for it to affect other economies will rise,” Barth says.


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