

The former Deutsche Bank Securities CEO is rebuilding his Benefit Street Partners credit business far from Wall Street.

华尔街不再有趣了。今年春天,当托马斯(汤米)加汉(Thomas(Tommy)Gahan)试图招募雷•科斯塔(raycosta)加入总部位于纽约的福利街合伙人(Benefit Street Partners)时,他们谈到,一旦泡沫开始消散,情况变得更糟,他们可以投入数十亿美元在信贷市场上发挥作用。2008年3月,在金融危机前夕,Gahan(发音为“gan”)辞去了德意志银行证券(Deutsche Bank Securities)首席执行官的职务,他不需要说太多。Costa是一位明星交易员,曾为德意志银行的Gahan经营美国不良债务产品,后来升任该公司北美信贷固定收益部联席主管,他知道自己在德意志银行期间无法利用市场恐慌。监管机构已经处理好了。

Gahan was offering the fast-talking Costa the chance to get back in on the excitement. It took a few more conversations for Gahan — described charitably by some as a man of few words, while others say he is awkward and gruff — and Richard Byrne, Benefit Street’s more gregarious second-in-command, to persuade Costa to leave a post that once would have been considered one of the top jobs on Wall Street. But this summer Gahan hired Costa, putting in place another pillar of his investment firm, which has brought together the key people who turned Germany’s Deutsche Bank into a U.S. power in leveraged finance. Costa joins Byrne, who had succeeded Gahan as CEO of Deutsche Bank Securities; Michael Paasche, who had been global head of leveraged finance at the bank; and David Manlowe, former chief operating officer and head of global capital markets at Deutsche.


Gahan正在投注垃圾债券早期开始的银行家 - 并帮助指导看到银行从简单地向公司提供融资的巨额转型,以便为融资多亿美元的公司优惠 - 有一个获胜的公式来选择信用投资。自2008年9月雷曼兄弟控股以来,上个月在固定收入市场中获得了金融收益率最大的收益率的热点,使投资者预览了福利街期望蓬勃发展的环境类型。虽然全球监管机构在银行成功关闭了风险,但Gahan和他的前德意志同事等交易制造商正在资产管理商店和牧师私人资本的贸易,以取代2008年崩溃的融资系统。


到目前为止,福利街已经聚集了90亿美元的资产;它最近关闭了第三只中等市场私人债务基金。该公司在2011年推出了一只多空对冲基金,并在2012年推出了一项只做多的流动性信贷业务,目前由四项贷款抵押债券组成。去年,福利街聘请斯科特韦尼伯恩领导其新的商业房地产集团。韦内伯恩经营房地产资本市场,并为德意志银行(Deutsche)进行交易,后来担任利美矿业房地产顾问公司(Limekiln real estate Advisors)总裁。科斯塔是该公司最近的雇员,他正准备推出一项不良债务战略。


“With 20 years of experience in the engine room of a bank, Tommy understands risk better than anybody,” says阿什贝尔威廉姆斯Jr.,executive director and CIO of the $181 billion Florida State Board of Administration, which has invested in most of Benefit Street’s funds. “And I like that he’s more thoughtful than talkative.”

塞思沃,retired CEO of Deutsche Bank Americas and an adviser to the bank, says Gahan has the unique ability to “slow the game down” during market chaos, not unlike the best quarterbacks during the last few minutes of a football game. “Tommy can take a deep breath and calmly realize that what he thought the day before is no longer a reality,” Waugh explains. “It’s what the price is going to be tomorrow that matters.”

Gahan和Providence创始人Jonathan Nelson将团队合作是逻辑的。Gahan was Nelson’s banker for almost a decade, helping to finance big-name media and entertainment deals, including the $13.7 billion acquisition of Spanish language broadcaster Univision Communications by Providence, Madison Dearborn Partners, Texas Pacific Group, Thomas H. Lee Partners and Saban Capital Group in 2006. Two years later Nelson, whose firm is headquartered in Providence (home to his alma mater Brown University), saw the huge opportunity for an investor who could sift through securities that every Wall Street bank was now throwing overboard. What he didn’t know was that tighter rules on bank capital requirements and法规就像禁止专有交易的沃尔克规则将几年后基本上摧毁了银行贷款和风险业务的大部分。这种大规模的变化将使普罗维登斯和其他人这样的私募股权公司以及成为公司金融家的长期机会,而不仅仅是所有者。



Deutsche Boys专业地长大,他们现在的许多人竞争,包括莱昂黑,Marc Rowan和阿波罗全球管理的Joshua Harris;Antony Ressler的Ares Management;Appaloosa Management的大卫连铁皮; 和Bennett Goodman,Douglas Ostrover和GSO Capital的Tripp Smith2008年由Blackstone Group购买的1亿美元购买。这些男性是一小组华尔街高管的一部分,他们利用Michael Milken的垃圾债券的发明来帮助再次融资。垃圾债券允许不含恒星公司获得便宜的融资,并帮助刺激了20世纪80年代和90年代的经济繁荣。垃圾债券也改变了银行的脸,因为他们进入了更多复杂的结构性财务,并帮助转动曾经被称为企业袭击者进入现代私募股权行业的事情。当然,故事的银行部分于2008年结束。然而,杠杆式财务人员再次在领先的边缘,是财务上前所未有的实验的一部分规定.

Gahan grew up breathing the air of old Wall Street. His father, James, worked for more than 20 years at brokerage firm E.F. Hutton Group, where he rose to head of fixed-income and equity trading and was a key lieutenant of longtime president George Ball. The younger Gahan joined Hutton as a trainee following his graduation from Brown in 1984 with a B.A. in economics. (His dad, who had gone directly from high school to Wall Street and had a reputation as a tough trader, had left the firm earlier that year to become president of Rothschild Securities Trading.) Gahan landed on the high-yield trading desk at Hutton. After the firm ran into trouble in October 1987, he moved to Merrill Lynch, which was building its high-yield-bond business. Within months he was running high-yield-debt trading. Gahan would go on to become one of Wall Street’s top junk bond traders, ultimately running all corporate debt trading for Merrill.

1995年,Merrill的固定收入酋长Edson Mitchell,留下来加入Deutsche Bank,建立其Fledgling U.S.投资银行业务。Gahan抵制了米切尔招聘他的努力,说德意志太小了。但在1998年11月,银行同意购买银行家信托有限公司,米切尔叫Gahan问道,“这对你现在足够大吗?”Gahan于1999年2月表示是和加入Deutsche,作为全球信用产品负责人,授权融合两家银行的信用业务。Byrne是一个帮助找到美林的高收益研究部门的oneTime游戏分析师,随后在5月份。

德意志的雄心被当Mitchell died in a plane crash in December 2000, but Gahan’s leveraged-finance business largely avoided the power struggles that followed. Over the next two years, Gahan was involved in deals for EchoStar Corp., Jefferson Smurfit Corp. and Wynn Resorts and rose to head up investment banking for the Americas. He later became global head of capital markets, including real estate, and gained a seat on the executive committee for global banking and global markets. “I’ve been lucky,” he says. “I’ve had a chemistry set to play with at the office, learning new businesses and becoming more intelligent about how all the pieces work together.”

2005年,在加汉出任德意志银行证券(deutschebanksecurities)首席执行官一年后,该公司在美国固定收益交易和承销排行榜上排名第8,在高收益率方面排名第4。在此期间,德意志银行为历史上最大规模的杠杆收购提供了融资,其中包括KKR&Co.2007年斥资290亿美元收购信用卡处理器FirstData Corp。但那年信贷市场开始出现裂痕,加汉对自己的工作失去了热情。2008年3月,他拿到了年终奖,并对老板说,他想自己走。”“市场爆发的时机已经成熟,”他说是时候成为投资者和企业家了。”

困难的部分将提高资本。但在2008年春天,普罗维登斯创始人纳尔逊和保罗萨雷斯曾开始该公司的伦敦办事处,已经有12亿美元的普罗维登斯股权基金VI,专门用于他们正在寻求投资的机会主义信贷。(Gahan had originally met Salem when Deutsche helped finance the risky takeover of Irish telecommunications company Eircom in the early 2000s by a consortium, led by Irishman Sir Anthony O’Reilly, that included Providence and hedge fund manager George Soros.) Later that year Salem raised an additional $1.1 billion on a Wednesday afternoon after showing investors a spreadsheet of senior debt securities of companies that he either owned or used to own; most were trading at 60 cents on the dollar. “Either the world is ending or this is the best buying opportunity that I’ve ever seen,” he told investors.

Gahan, who spent his six months off improving his golf handicap and catching up with his wife and five daughters, joined Providence in September 2008 — a week before Lehman filed for bankruptcy. With just a phone and a computer, he started investing, focusing on bulletproof companies with recurring revenue and buying more loans than bonds, which get paid back first in a bankruptcy. Paasche joined him in October.

2009年,随着经济条件开始改善,Gahan采取了更多的风险,并在资本结构中深入了解不同类型的公司和证券,并没有为投资者提供许多保证。Gahan被一些人批评的是一个比投资者更多的交易者,说,在危机的最糟糕的几个月里,他可能会带来更多的风险并产生更高的回报,因为他的许多竞争对手都这样做了。塞勒姆说,他并没有想到Gahan作为他原来的投资者那么保守。“我想到了来自德意志银行的斯巴克林投资银行家,”他补充道。然而,拜恩和其他认识他的人说,他们对他们并没有惊讶。Gahan RAN RAN成为华尔街银行所谓的客户簿的第一个长期投资组合 - 库存保留,以便为客户提供贸易 - 在专有交易日之前返回。“当市场上升时,他在桌子上留下了一些钱,但汤米证明你可以用你的库存赚钱,”Byrne说。


好处街头快速移动。该公司已提交证券交易委员会,以符合加利福尼亚州的格里芬首都的El Segundo开展业务发展公司(BDC),该资本为个人提供所得型投资,包括房地产和信贷。BDCs-共同基金与另类投资工具一样,是中等市场公司不断增长的资本池。”他们是发起交易,而不是买别人烤的东西。格里芬总裁大卫·鲁珀特在谈到福利街团队时说你不能看着其他人都在看的那些交易,期待着有戏剧性的表现,”50岁的帕斯切补充道。



Byrne在10月份为Gabhan提供干扰的Byrne对Gahan进行干扰,并在10月份普罗维登斯年度投资者会议上提供了关于福利街的第一个演示。He was eager to talk about his group’s view on where the markets are in the credit cycle (near the top), pointing out that this year the market is on track to issue $289 billion worth of covenant-lite loans — which offer investors little protection if things go sour — three times as much as in 2007, the last peak.

With banks having retreated from making markets in corporate credit, Manlowe expects to find plenty of securities selling at distressed prices. “We think there is the possibility that we’ll get distressed-priced bonds and loans without necessarily having a classic default-led distressed cycle,” he says.



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