
布朗兄弟哈里曼靶向Ultrarich Entrepreneurs


Scott Clemons, chief investment strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., recalls how a former managing partner once put the firm’s approach into perspective: “He said that the partners of Brown Brothers Harriman are people who think like people of action but act like people of thought.”


基于纽约的BBH少于40名合作伙伴监督管理层的资产620亿美元,一些合作伙伴保管4万亿美元。有一个校友名单,包括前总统乔治H.W.布什和前美联储董事会椅Alan Greenspan,银行建立了强大的品牌认可,同时避免了敏捷。通过保护资本和挖掘主要交易,支持客户服务,风化的暴风雨从1857年的恐慌到大萧条。BBH的商业贷款部门在2009年的信贷危机中迅速出现。


尽管BBH的根源在于商业和贸易lending, wealth management has long been a principal business line as the firm guided the family assets of business-owner banking clients. BBH offers personal banking, trust services and asset management to ultrahigh-net-worth households. Its service-focused approach has lent itself well to these private client services, and the bank’s professionals remind prospects that because it’s a private partnership, the owners invest alongside customers.



The biggest departure is in the calculation of client relationships. In the past, BBH required an eight-digit minimum of investible assets to establish a new account, but the new regime weighs the value of each relationship against all of the firm’s business lines. This allows BBH’s investment and estate planning experts to work with clients whose net worth is largely tied up in private companies that have commercial lending or advisory relationships with the bank.

“This can be seen as part of a larger trend in the industry to look beyond organizational boundaries,” says Ashish Jain, a partner in the financial services practice at Strategy&, a New York–based management consulting subsidiary of PricewaterhouseCoopers. Many commercial lenders are seeking to bridge the gap between extending credit to companies and managing the assets of business owners, Jain notes. But he also points out that most of BBH’s commercial lending rivals are focusing on affluent and mass-affluent clients rather than the ultrahigh-net-worth segment the bank has targeted.


克莱蒙斯解释说,BBH将结合战略伙伴关系和远程访问,而不是花费很多钱招聘人才。“由于技术,地理位置越来越少,我们将永远不会在每个角落都有分公司,”他说。“无论在哪里有新的财富创作周期,我们将寻求建立关系,并通过公司的朋友来提高品牌意识。”作为BBH的创始方法的双方,一个问题是一个低调,保守派管理的银行如何使其品牌在竞争激烈的竞争激烈的竞争激烈的财富管理行业中保持相关的品牌。“I’m 61, and even among my own generation, even after the credit crisis, there is still a focus on trendy investment themes and the latest products offered by Wall Street,” says Michael Rifkin, manager of a Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania–based family office that has invested with BBH. “It’s an uphill battle to convince people that investing in quality companies for the long term and partnering with a financial institution that carefully manages risk are the right decision.”