


在过去的十年中,随着页岩压裂繁荣has spread across oil-and-gas-rich areas of the U.S., from North Dakota to Oklahoma and Texas, money and growth have followed. Drilling towns, reminiscent of towns that grew up along the routes of the country’s first railroads, have created opportunities for every industry, from energy to real estate to retail. Exploration and production firms have sprouted quickly and created thousands of jobs, many of them in pipeline building, as E&P companies build their own, rather than wait for the shipping and storage arm of the burgeoning industry to catch up.


仍然,专家们optimistic that U.S. shale will survive任何努力将其推出石油市场,而过去两周则显示出价格上涨。但要保持盈利,生产者需要重新评估其战略和资本结构。


基于休斯顿的能源基础设施公司Kinder Morgan在过去几周内同意了两周的交易,支持这一趋势:在1月份,摩根表示,它将通过购买俄克拉荷马州的管道大量合作伙伴关系,扩大其在Bakken的存在。$3 billion, and last week it agreed to buy three storage terminals from Dutch midstream firm Royal Vopak in the U.S. for $158 million.



“In a time like the present, when it’s hard to make deals on oil-based assets because no one knows what a good price is, it’s a lot easier to sell a midstream system that runs on a fee-for-service basis,” says David Asmus, the Houston-based leader of law firm Morgan Lewis & Bockius’s energy transactions practice.

这些业务有很多兴趣,包括Kinder Morgan等管道公司,以及寻求积聚其能量持有的私募股权球员,Asmus预计今年上半年的销售额有更多的销售额。



“It’s going to take a while for the price to move back up to a territory that’s reasonable for fracking,” which is typically above $60 per barrel, says Joel Moser, founder and CEO of Aquamarine Investment Partners, a New York–based real assets fund.

According to reports from Goldman Sachs Group, Barclays and UBS in recent weeks, an oil recovery — which for shale would be stable prices in the $60 to $70 per barrel range — could be as much as six months away. “That really is longer than most investors or certainly most debt providers are going to want to wait,” Moser says.