
Inarcassa CIO寻求管理回报和期望

在享受意大利债券拉力之后,Alfredo Granata正在为国外股票,房地产和货币多样化。

购买意大利国库纸,持续7%很好,虽然持续,Notes Alfredo Granata,Cioinarcassa.,86亿欧元(94亿美元)的养老基金为170,000名自雇工程师和意大利建筑师。过去三年的收益率蔓延有助于该基金在此期间提供7.1%的年度返回。

现在Granata,48,必须找到新的方法来达到他的4.5%的真正返回目标。He and his 12-person team have nearly halved the fund’s allocation to euro zone government bonds, to 11 percent, and put more money into Asian and emerging-markets equities (9.6 percent and 8.9 percent weightings, respectively) and alternatives (7.5 percent). “We think that for the next several years the main risk will be rising interest rates,” he says.



An economics graduate of Milan’s Bocconi University who entered finance as an analyst at Banca di Roma in 1992 before moving into asset management, Granata sees a few green shoots in the Italian economy — which has suffered three recessions in the past six years — but nothing like a boom. “I’m not too optimistic,” he says.

此个人资料是为我们的12个写作之一2015年欧洲投资管理奖,这尊重业务中的一些最佳投资者。另见终身成就奖赢家档案Henrik Gade Jepsen.,CentricaChetan Ghosh.,兰开夏郡养老基金的迈克尔·詹森,ABN AMRO的Geraldine Leegwater.,varmareimarytsölä.,AP4Magnus eriksson.,核心埃琳娜Manola-Bonthond和ERAFPPhilippeDesfossés.。明天回来查看vbv的güntherschiendl。

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