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Carlos Slim Expands His Reach in Business and Philanthropy

As the Mexican billionaire grows richer despite antitrust action, he’s looking to give away more profits from his diverse corporate empire.

墨西哥finally passed antitrust regulations last year to loosen the near monopoly thatCarlos Slim Helú举行了电话用户。But Slim, 75, retained his ranking on theForbes亿万富翁列表作为世界第二富有的人,他实际上增加了他的个人价值51亿美元,达到771亿美元。这主要归功于AméricaMóvil的股价上升,电信运营商控制墨西哥陆地的80%和其移动市场的70% - 以及拉丁美洲其他地方的相当大。

Why has América Móvil’s stock increased by 6.6 percent over the past 12 months? “Investors reacted very positively to his announcement that he will seek to reduce his market share,” says Eduardo García, founder and editor of Sentido Común, a Mexico City–based online business news site. “They see his new strategy as ultimately beneficial to shareholders.”

Rather than keep fighting the regulators, Slim announced plans last July to reduce his company’s share of the Mexican market to 50 percent. Until he does so, margins at Mexico City–basedAmérica Móvil将被挤压,因为它不再收取使用其网络完成呼叫到他们不提供服务的地方的呼叫的竞争对手。

Although telecoms account for more than half of his fortune, Slim has built a thriving, diversified business empire that makes it virtually impossible for Mexicans to get through a day without paying for his goods and services — from enchiladas to banking. Grupo Carso, the conglomerate that is 80 percent owned by Slim, gathers together many of these businesses. Among others, they include the Sears Roebuck de México department store chain; the Grupo Sanborns restaurant, drugstore and gift shop chain; CICSA, a major construction and engineering company; and Grupo Condumex, a maker of electric cables and other equipment for the construction and automotive industries. Separately from Grupo Carso, Slim also owns Grupo Financiero Inbursa, the $25.2 billion bank and asset manager, which last December bought the banking unit of Wal-Mart de México for $247 million.

Slim built up these holdings over the past quarter century as墨西哥began to sell off state assets to the private sector. They offer no significant synergies. “There is no rationale in holding, say, a retailer and an infrastructure company together,” says Miguel Ulloa, a Mexico City–based analyst who covers Grupo Carso for BBVA Bancomer, the nation’s largest bank. “Mr. Slim just feels comfortable placing them in this structure.”

But, adds Ulloa, investors buy in to Carso in the hopes of benefiting from yet other future Slim bonanzas. One obvious possibility is in the energy field, which is being opened to the private sector by Mexico’s recent reforms. Slim has indicated that he’s especially interested in infrastructure linked to natural gas pipelines and oil drilling. That would be a perfect fit for his CICSA and Condumex units.

According to his closest associates, Slim is becoming more concerned about giving away chunks of his ever-increasing fortune. “He devotes more than half his time to philanthropic activities,” says his son-in-law and spokesman, Arturo Elías Ayub, who heads a Slim foundation, Fundación Telmex. Along with the larger Fundación Carlos Slim, the two charitable entities are involved in an even greater variety of projects than Slim’s businesses. A sampling of his philanthropy includes some 300,000 free bicycles for rural children to help them get to school; maternity care for more than half a million women and their babies; almost a million free surgeries; and free legal support for people accused of nonviolent crimes.

Unfortunately, Slim’s charitable activities haven’t managed their capital as well as his businesses. According to Elías, total assets in U.S. dollar terms of the two foundations have fallen to about $7 billion from more than $8 billion in mid-2013, a gap he attributes to the peso’s weakness against the greenback.