

As China pursues global reserve status for its currency, investors keen to enter the renminbi market are turning to custody banks.

作为中央银行放弃欧元,之一four major global reserve currencies along with the美元,英镑和日元,中国人民币作为储备地位的竞争者出现。反过来,保管人正在为人民币饥饿的投资者提供可靠的服务提供商。

今年这一年国际货币基金组织将决定回复返回将成为其特殊绘制权篮中的第五个货币。中国是世界上最大的外汇储备持有人,正在推动加入该俱乐部。储备状况将削减其对美国美元的依赖,减少国际贸易的外汇费用,较低的人民币债券市场的借款费用,并帮助国家迁向全货币兑换。根据Swift,基于比利时La Hulpe的银行间消息系统提供商,1月份人民币成为5号全球支付货币。随着北京寻求松开资本控制并加深其金融市场,货币的使用看起来是成长的。


从那时起,该国介绍了人民币贸易和解,并在香港发行的人民币计价的粤元债券。人民币合格的外国机构投资者(RQFII)计划让离岸基金经理通过亚博赞助欧冠香港,法国,德国,韩国和U.K的中国内地购买证券。由于去年11月推出了Shanghai–Hong Kong Stock Connect方案,外国投资者现在可以首次直接举办上海上市的股票。但在他们可以做任何事情之前,他们需要一个服务提供商,可以访问中国市场。


伦敦汇丰银行,截至2014年6月,截至2014年6月的保管资产6.61万亿美元,使其成为60多个市场的人民币贸易能力。它是第一个在六大大陆进行人民币交易的国际银行,并领导了第一家近海人民币计值的债券和首次公开发行,Nover Maciak是美国银行和资本融资的人民币负责人Martin Maciak。2011年,纽约Mellon Corp.银行成为第一家获得人民币许可批准的银行之一。BNP Paribas,Citi,Standard Chartered和四家其他公司去年11月在香港为海上人民币市场的主要流动资金提供商Nod。

Custodian banks, which charge clients for safekeeping of securities, and trade settlement and reporting services, are expanding their support of global investors’ investment and cash activities for the onshore and offshore renminbi markets, says Cindy Chen, Hong Kong country head of securities services at No. 4–ranked Citi, which had $15.4 trillion under custody as of June 2014. They help investors and central banks to access both markets and provide liquidity for new renminbi products like Stock Connect A shares, RQFII exchange-traded funds and offshore RMB money market funds.

Many custodians are developing infrastructure to support end-to-end servicing for such products. For example, HSBC has a web portal that connects RQFII ETF participants and processes trades to mainland China. The firm also created a Custody Plus platform that allows clients to settle Stock Connect trades the same day. Beyond these efforts, custodians with a Chinese presence must stay on top of regulatory and market changes to properly manage transactions for clients. Foreign investors seeking to enter Asian markets have always relied on custodian banks, Chen explains. When China opened its capital markets through QFII in 2002, the first thing institutions needed was a custodian to help them apply for the quota and follow its rules, she says. The same is true for RQFII today. In the case of Stock Connect, the local custodian plays an important role in helping global investors access the new program, comply with relevant regulations and operate in a T+0, or same day trading, environment.
